chapter 43

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The next day, Uncle Zhang took them to the Public Security Bureau via tractor.

As witnesses, Su Jiaojiao and Zhao Sisi had to go there as well.

The person who was playing delinquent is a ne'er-do-well ex-soldier called Zhang Shu. Although he has many infractions on his record, all of them were minor. He had been said to harass women before, but no one really followed up on that as there weren't any accusations against him.

This incident, on the other hand, was much more severe.

A few years ago, the educated youths were harassed when they went back to their hometowns. Especially the female ones, as most of them were quite pretty. Once, an educated female youth just committed suicide directly.

The thing blew up, and the consequences were significant. After this, people became even more sensitive about things related to educated female youths, particularly harassment.

Zhao Sisi had a short fuse and was insistent on investigating the matter to the end. "Comrades from the Public Security Bureau, this is probably a more widespread incident than it looks. I'm probably not the only person who Zhang Shu has harassed; even if he doesn't harass others personally, other people in his gang are probably harassing other educated female youths. Unfortunately, I couldn't recognize the person who kidnapped me because it was dark, and he deliberately changed his voice. If my friend and her husband hadn't come over, I'd definitely be a goner!"

(T/N: Whoa...long paras...)

The person from the Public Security Bureau pitied the unlucky Zhao Sisi. They had thrown Zhang Shu in jail a few times already, but he would always be able to leave after a few days. He had never suffered any percussions for his actions and so continued being a delinquent. Now, he even dared to harass a woman. He had to be punished severely.

The person from the Public Security Bureau nodded and said, "Educated youth Zhao, don't worry. We'll help you get justice."

(This story is translated by yours truly, Armos D. Platypus. If it's not found in FansTranslations, this book is pirated! TT)

That afternoon, Zhang Shu, lying on a hospital bed, bugged his eyes out when he saw the Public Security Bureau officer come here for an inspection. "She actually chose to investigate this matter! Wait, no, she actually talked about this out loud!!!"

He had initially thought that Zhao Sisi wouldn't report him, as her reputation would suffer. He'd done similar things many times and had never been reported by any of his victims. Who would've known that this time would be different?

However, Zhao Sisi was unlike other women. She had the will, the guts and the power to investigate her kidnapping further.

Zhao Sisi's father was heartbroken. He used a lot of his connections to help his daughter get justice.

This case became higher-priority in an instant. Someone had even dug up some of the previous crimes Zhang Shu committed. With the assistance of the people, Zhang Shu's offences had all been revealed. He had become doubly guilty.

The Public Security Bureau officer, when met with Zhang Shu's shell-shocked look, looked at him coldly, "The crime scene has been discovered, and the victim hadn't been violated, only scuffed up. Be honest. Who are your accomplices?"

Zhang Shu clamped his mouth shut. He was a veteran when it came to these kinds of interrogations, and knew his punishment would be lighter if he remained silent. There is a difference in judgement when it comes to a calculated crime and an impulsive one. Ignoring all else, the people he committed crimes with would naturally be his sworn brothers. He wouldn't just leave them to the dogs so casually.

As the officer saw that Zhang Shu was unwilling to answer, he didn't continue interrogating him and went to find other witnesses. When he finally compiled the data, he decided on Zhang Shu's punishment based on the severity of the incident – the death penalty.

Zhang Shu was so frightened he almost jumped out of the hospital bed. He had thought he could've gotten a sum of money by ransoming Zhao Sisi. But in the end, both his legs had been broken!

Who would've thought that what faced him...was the death penalty?

Zhang Shu almost pissed his pants. He hurriedly said, "I actually have accomplices; there's also Song Qingshan and an educated female youth. We had initially wanted to capture the educated female youth, but she said she could help us find two pretty girls instead..."

The officer from the Public Security Bureau looked at him and didn't speak.

That made Zhang Shu even more frightened. He spilt the beans entirely, then nervously asked, "Will that reduce my punishment?"

What he wanted the most is to not get arrested. However, now that the officer had dirt on him, it really didn't matter whether or not he fessed up.

He had no choice. To preserve his life, he'd do anything.

Zhang Shu sold out Song Qingshan to save his own life.

When the officer heard Zhang Shu's testimony, he sent someone to mobilize a small squad from the army.

Armos D. Platypus: Sowwy for late chappie...irl stuff.

PS: Waves at lurkers.

PPS: Somehow, a less than 50-word TL note. Nice.

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