31 : you're mine

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sitting up and ruffling his already messy bed hair, taehyung looked around finding no jungkook.

getting down from the bed and going downstairs he was again met with the familiar sight of jungkook making breakfast.

a half-naked jungkook wrapped in an apron.

what a delicious sight for the sore eyes.

"good morning" taehyung yawned while staring at the younger.

"oh, good morning hyung"

"what are you making?" yawning again, taehyung leaned against the counter to peek.

jungkook lifted his gaze from the pan, a heartwarming smile forming on his face as he observed the figure standing in front of him. taehyung's disheveled bed hair added a touch of endearing charm to his appearance while his rosy slightly plump cheeks gave off an irresistible air of innocence. jungkook couldn't help but be enchanted by the obvious drowsiness evident in the male's eyes as they fluttered slightly, still adjusting to the waking world. and those pouty lips, oh, how they tugged at his heartstrings, begging to be showered with kisses of his own.

makes his heart go all crazy.


"mhm, looks delish" smiling drowsily at the raven head, taehyung stood upright.

"breakfast might take time. go and take a shower"

"oh but i didn't bring any clothes-"

"just wear something from my closet"

"erm. . ."

"what's wrong?"

"what about boxers?"

hearing the brunette, jungkook chuckled lightly. "oh yeah, i do have a new pair in the third drawer" and then jungkook nudged his nose and gestured the older to go.

taehyung's face flushed crimson, and he gave a silent affirmation before ascending the stairs. wearing jungkook's clothes, it always evoked an overwhelming sense of intimidation within the brunette. furthermore, the clothes were slightly oversized on him, which he oddly found appealing, as they carried the unmistakable scent of jungkook. he liked it.

after taking a shower and wearing a shirt and sweatpants from jungkook's closet that looked closest to his size he came downstairs, noticing jungkook tidying the table up. now all dressed up by wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts.

"wow that smells really good" taehyung complimented while sitting down.

"why thank you" jungkook grinned and sat down as well.

"glad you are not having only coffee today" taehyung pointed out when he saw jungkook was also having breakfast with him. last time the male had only coffee saying he wasn't a breakfast person.

"i'm changing my bad habits for you. you didn't look quite happy about it last time" jungkook said as he chomped on a piece of crispy bacon.

taehyung's face turned as red as ripe tomatoes, and his heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. this unfamiliar sensation overwhelmed him.

even after being married to bogum for several years, taehyung couldn't recall a single instance in which his husband had altered any of his routines or habits for his sake. in fact, there were times when bogum would completely disregard taehyung's words, not even bothering to listen to him. it seemed that it was always taehyung who had to constantly remind and pester bogum, only for the latter to silence him with a kiss before carrying on with his day.

but jungkook started having breakfast just because taehyung looked upset about him not having it?

it was so new to taehyung.

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