☏☏ | Secret

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Wilbur knew that Quackity was lying, but was able to pull off the look of "I believe you but I'm keeping an eye on you"
with his all-star acting.
A day had passed since Quackity had bumped into him, and earlier Wilbur had found
a mineshaft with a fuckton of eggs, huevos, or.. children, in slime cases.
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Wilbur's 3rd person view POV of the Mineshaft
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Wilbur had been in the mines looking for.. nothing. He just wandered in the mines.
He had stepped on a pressure-plate that activated TNT.
"MY GOD..!" Wilbur sighed.
He stood back and watched it blow to ash.
He saw a door that was blown up behind the wall.
"The fuck?"
He saw huge tubes with green slime, unconscious children inside.
He stepped inside to get a better look at it.
One with a red bow and a throwing dagger.
One with a top hat and just code particles flurrying around his right hand.
One with a mustache with gears & mechanic items, a wrench was stuck into the glass case at the mustache one.
One with overalls and just his hands.
One with a hat & a mini fan on it with a shotgun.
One with a duck floaty & a too-sharp sword.
One with glasses and a pistol.
Wilbur walked around the place and saw whiteboards of plans, each one of them he read through quickly.
The beakers, buttons, slime, everything.
It all seemed familiar to Wilbur.
But he saw a dropped tile with a rope on the floor.
"Well, here goes nothing."
He threw up the rope and climbed up.
He saw a child with a dagger that looked like Wilbur.
Red beanie, sun-kissed pale skin with brown hair that had the exact same look of the hair-in-face that Wilbur had.
She had a withered red poppy in her hair tucked behind her ear.
Wilbur thought she was a special, gorgeous child out of all of the children he saw.
He stayed there for a while and saw that the child woke up.
"H... Hello?" Wilbur whispered.
Not a word from the girl.
She made hand movements to say, "I can't talk."
"Oh.. Uh...." Wilbur only had one extra book n' quill.
He handed the girl the book n' quill.
'¡Hola!' The girl wrote with her left hand.
Wilbur hid a smile from the kid's response.
"Hey... Uh.. What are you doing up here?"
'i've been here for two weeks.'
Wilbur felt guilty.
"Wh.. Okay. Well," He struggled to think of something to say, "What's.. Whats your name? Do you have one?"
The girl didn't nod.
"Oh.. Okay, do you have a ho.."
Wilbur paused.
"Oh god.. Wait.."
"I can't.. I can't look after you, little one."
The girl had a small frown.
'Why not.' The girl wrote.
"I'm always on the move.. I can't—"
Wilbur sighed.
":(" The girl wrote.
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait!.. I can just give you to Phil but he probably will find these little ones too.."
Wilbur wiped the fog off of his somewhat rose-gold glasses.
"You know what... I'll be your 'temporary' dad for a bit okay? I'm not leaving for another two weeks so.."
The girl jumped and softly smiled at Wilbur's decision, hugging his right leg.
Wilbur had a small smile as he walked out the room, assuming the girl had been following him.
There was a long silence until he heard Quackity's yelling again.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Quackity yelled.
"I'm sorry.. That's how it is." A demon replied.
"Language!" The demon cut him off.
"What the fu.." Wilbur cut himself off as Quackity yelled.
"I can't tell you anything, Quackity," The demon's tail dropped in disappointment.
"AND THIS STUPID FEDERATION.." Quackity picked up his bottle of red wine and cried.
"We can't do anything! All we can do is tell the muffinhead to stop, that's it!" The demon placed a hand on Quackity's shoulder, but the angered Quackity shifted away and continued to chug the damn bottle of red wine.
"Where's the fucking bread..." Quackity mumbled.
Quackity stood up and slammed open a cabinet and grabbed a bag of bread, slamming it closed again.
Quackity never really cried, ever. Wilbur knew that, but this was the only time he'd ever actually caught Quackity crying.
"Yo pagar el servidor.." Quackity cried to himself.
"Yo pagar el servidor.."
Wilbur tried to step closer for a better view, but his glasses dropped to the floor, surprisingly not shattering.
"Shit.." Wilbur murmured to himself.
"What was that..?" Quackity's tone highered.
Wilbur knelt down on 1 knee and signaled the girl to scoot back.
Wilbur was too-tall-for-his-own-good and was out of the ordinary, so he had to kneel down.
Quackity kept crying and the demon had walked off for something.
Wilbur signaled the girl to get the fuck out, but Wilbur had ran first.
"What the fuck?"
Quackity saw the child out the tube in the corner of his eye.
"Oh my fucking god."
Quackity got up as soon as he possibly could and saw he had a knife by his side.
He threw it.
Wilbur ran, but the one thing that didn't.
Was the little girl.
Quackity thrown the knife into her arm.

-- Sᴄɪᴇɴᴄᴇ Lᴀʙ -- ⌫ (( QSMP FanFiction ))Where stories live. Discover now