☏ | Science Lab

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The buttons clicked, the blood dripped. The green slime cracked the cases. There wasn't much time.
Cucurucho had to do this now.
The glass was soon to shatter.
The clock was ticking.
It was soon.
The button was right there, and they haven't been able to press it.
Cucurucho wandered the lab again.
He'd been studying for days on end, weeks, months.
All to find out nothing.
The broken glass, test tubes, journals, science books.
The miles of cabinets full of shit.
Someone stepped into the lab, creaking the door.
"Heeelllooo...! Is anyone hereeee?" The voice said.
Cucurucho looked back.
'What?' Cucurucho spoke, just using a robot text-to-speech voice.
'Who are you.'
There was a small silence.
"Oh! My apologies. My name is bad! People just call me 'Badboyhalo.' or stick with just bad. You can call me Bad or Mr. Halo!" Bad said, stepping in through the door slowly.
'Oh. Hello.' Cucurucho stepped towards the door.
"Can.. Can I come in?" Bad stepped away from the door.
'Are you sure.' The robot voice somewhat trailed off.
"Yeah! I'm sure it's not too bad!" Badboyhalo insisted.
Cucurucho stepped back to let the guy in, seeing the demon tail and horns connected to his body.
"Holy cow, what is this..?" Badboyhalo had such curiosity.
'A lab.'
"It's so cool!" Bad wandered around Cucurucho's lab in amazement. He had clearly never seen something like this before.
Cucurucho just walked back to what he was doing, leaving the clueless 'demon' wander around the very much dangerous area.
He watched as the 'demon' sprint around and gazed at the 'eggs,' children, huevos, whatever you wanted to call them.
They were stuck unconscious in tubes with green slime occupying the soft & small bodies. It looked like Bad was gazing at the one with a small little top hat with red trim as a stripe.
Cucurucho decided to leave Badboyhalo alone.
Glass shattered.
Cucurucho walked into the main fuction of the lab.
The test tubes of slime were connected through the soil underground.
The millions of buttons and white boards full of plans were everywhere.
Cucurucho had 10 or more beakers placed on a counter nearby.
Badboyhalo barged in quietly.
"Heeey, I also didn't.. Catch your name?"
Even with the visitor here, the slime kept cracking the glass.
It was now or never.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh, okay. Is this all of your stuff? It's really cool!" Bad's tail could wag apparently.. Uhm?
'You can say that.'
"How fricking long did this take you?"
'I didn't do it alone, but I mostly did it. I don't remember how long.'
"Your a... Forgetful muffin, I see." Bad said, peaking his head out behind Cucurucho's back.
Cucurucho turned around and stared at him in a way of saying, "What are you saying?"
He placed his hand on the top of the 'counter,' you could call it.
Cucurucho burnt himself on accident with a really-fucking-hot beaker.
'Frick. Frick. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.'
"Are you alright?" Bad's eyes had a glint, though his pupil outline only being visible on his eyes.
Their incredible burn made his white 'furry' skin go pink, almost burning his skin on the forearm.
Cucurucho lay his elbow down on the control counter, slamming his other hand elsewhere than the burning one.
He slammed a button instead.
'Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢ.' Instantly flashed on the screen.
Code was all over the room.
"What.. What the fudge!"
The beaker spilled.
'No. No. No. No. Leave. Leave. Leave.'
Badboyhalo stepped in-front of Cucurucho to instantly hear shattering glass and water flowing.

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Charlie thought he was hallucinating, maybe it's the fog on his glasses,
but there was literally an open door in a random mineshaft he found.
...And he forgot his phone so he couldn't show El Mariana.

"Only one way to find out.." Charlie busted inside.
Green slime was everywhere, "Oh.. Jesus Christ. There's so much fucking slime.." Some even stuck to him.
There were fucking children, or, huevos, that had fucking weapons here.
And he saw one that had cute little glasses, just like his ones back at home.
Charlie & Mariana both used glasses, the huevo looked... The most slimy.
Charlie touched the slime and instantly felt a shock of pain on his whole body, never drying slime being stuck to his body.
"Jesus fucking Christ..."
He looked at the others.
One with a red bow and a throwing dagger.
One with a top hat and just code particles flurrying around his right hand.
One with a mustache with gears & mechanic items, a wrench was thrown out of nowhere at the mustache one.
One with overalls and just his hands.
One with a hat & a mini fan on it with a shotgun.
One with a duck floaty & a too-sharp sword.
"Holy shit, dude."
Slime stuck to his fucking hair, same as a stick.
A slimecicle.
"Pfft. Slimecicle."
Charlie looked around, nothing moved. Well.. Besides the green slime and shattered glass.
Charlie heard knocking on the roof and underneath the floor boards.
"Well, shit." Charlie adjusted his glasses and wandered around.
The first room he goes into is the control room.
Millions of buttons, too much color. People with sensitive eyesight would've vomited.
The plans were on the walls.
"Get eggs to use their humans for advantages"
"Get eggs to destroy."
"Finally keep them awake."
What did that fucking mean?
They were just children!
Pure fucking children!
A ceiling tile knocked over and fell down.
Charlie moved the ceiling tile that was broken and climbed up to the top of where it lead.
"The fuck?"
Up there was an extra board with plans.
"Get this one to finally shut up about fear."
"Keep this one hidden."
"Keep the truth hidden."
An egg with a pistol and flute, Brown hair with a red beanie.
"That just fucking looks like Wilbur.. Holy shit."
What did this egg know?
Charlie needed to know now.

-- Sᴄɪᴇɴᴄᴇ Lᴀʙ -- ⌫ (( QSMP FanFiction ))Where stories live. Discover now