Mumei swings at her with her blade

Mumei: remember me?!

Mariko blocks it with her claws

Mariko: your the girl I toasted right? Fufu, I don't mind doing it again!

Baelz went after mitsuo, sana went after umi, Kronii went for sumire, and fauna was after shizuku

(Fr/n) kicks me off

As I regain my balance I ignite both sides of my lightsaber as he swings at me with is

I clash with him and enter a blade lock

(Fr/n): doesn't this remind you of out time at the temple?

(Y/n): heh...a little bit!

I swing at him


Umi turns her arm into a blade and swings at sana

Sana: woah!

Sana dodges and floats above her

Sana: so what are you supposed to be?


Sana: not much of a talker huh?

Umi transforms her arm into a chain rifle and fires it sana

Sana flies around, dodging the blasts

Sana: surely you can aim better than that?

She looks back at Umi and sees that she's gone

Sana: hm?

Umi: increasing maximum output to 100%

She zooms behind sana and axe kicks her to the ground

Sana crashes into the ground

Sana: ow ow ow

Umi crashes down at her with her blade again

Sana: wah!

Right before it lands sana manipulates the space around her and uses it as a wall

The blade stop right before it hits sana

Sana: gotcha~

Umi drops back

Umi:....stronger than I anticipated....i didn't think I'd have to use this close after attaining this...

Sana: hm?


Blue energy burst from her body

The energy then condenses back into her body as steam comes from the mechanical groves of her body....seeming as she's a cyborg

(Gear 2???)

Sana: cool!


Mariko and Mumei clash. Them Mariko notices umi's energy skyrocket

Mariko: hm? So Umi is going all out?.....I guess I can too

Mumei: what are you taking about?

Mariko: you'll see

A explosive pillar of flames appears behind her

Mumei: w-what?!

Mumei freezes up again!......not now!

She takes deep breaths and calms herself down

Suddenly all of the flames that were there vanish

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now