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pierre comes over i'm lying on the bed and don't get up when he walks in, max must have let him in

P:lena please can we talk

i say nothing

P:i want to explain why this has nothing to do with you, you were everything i wanted and more

i say nothing

P:i was abused when i was younger and i get easily triggered and as soon as my trigger goes off i need to take control it just happens that for me that that is how to be in control there is nothing else to it i black out i do it for the control the girls mean nothing to me

P:i make love to you i love you lena i have never loved anyone like i love you

L:pierre i can't

P:lena i want to be better for you and for our baby

my heart breaks to say it aloud

L:i lost the baby pierre

P:oh lena

he gets into the bed alongside me and i don't fight it, as much as he has hurt me i need him in this moment he hugs me and he lets me cry i think i heard him cry too but im not sure, we stayed like this for what felt like hours

P:lena im going to go to therapy so i can deal with my triggers in a way that doesn't harm you or us

L:Pierre i'm not waiting, i'm happy you are getting the help but don't get it for me get it for yourself

P:i love you lena

New Love ~ Pierre Gasly (Instagram Story)Where stories live. Discover now