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i met up with pierre to grab a coffee and catch up with him

P: sorry i had to run off earlier, i just wanted to have a proper catch up with you
L: how have you been? how is recovery
P: honestly leen it's been amazing, and i've never felt better, i'm sorry it took what happened between us for me to get here but in some ways i'm kind of grateful that it did, i mean i regret ever hurting you and i will never stop apologising for it but you helped me get the help i needed
L: i'm happy for you pierre, and im happy you've gotten the help for yourself
P: i got it for you aswell
L: i know, but...
P: i know you weren't waiting
L: yeah

there was a pause in the air, a slight regret feeling on my end about not waiting for him, but it's difficult to trust what someone says they will do when they are the person who shattered your trust completely

P: i miss you so much lena
L: pierre
P: are you happy?
L: i am

L: pierre you are an amazing person and you will be the most amazing partner to someone, you were the most amazing partner to me aside from all the... anyway, you just had your struggles and
P: i would never do that again lena i know how to deal with my triggers
L: pierre i'm with gio
P: i know
L: good luck with the race

New Love ~ Pierre Gasly (Instagram Story)Where stories live. Discover now