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we all celebrated an amazing end to the season and another world championship for max

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we all celebrated an amazing end to the season and another world championship for max

everyone was getting along, drinks were flowing, people were dancing, it was a great night celebrating

i'm at the bar when someone comes up behind me and grabs me, i turn around quickly suprised who i see behind me

L: Charles...
C: you never text me back after you disappeared on me
L: Pierre is your best friend
C: and he was sleeping with everyone when you two were supposedly together so why can't you do the same
L: you knew?
C: like you say he's my best friend
L: please can we keep this a secret charles i have way too much going on at the minute
C: ahh i did see, your back with max?
L: no not even i'm being single for a while
C: so there would be no harm in a redo of us
L: i'm staying single and staying away from men sorry
C: maybe another time then😉 see you around Lena

and with that he left, as i watched him go i saw a pair of eyes staring at me, who belonged to someone i didn't want to speak to but he made his way over to me not breaking eye contact

New Love ~ Pierre Gasly (Instagram Story)Where stories live. Discover now