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As we approach the group, I can instantly feel Steve's eyes on me, burning through my skin like the sun that's out and beating down the heat in full force today. They trail over me, his lips part for a moment before Sharon interrupts him by passing him a beer.

"You erm...look..." Bucky now begins before Nat steps in.

"Nice. She looks nice". I don't see the warning look she shoots at him, but it's enough to make him drop whatever he was going to say to me in favour of complimenting her. "So - we got any drinks or what?"

Sharon now comes over and passes her a can of something or other. "Right here". The clear look of desperately trying to gain my friend's favour is obvious. She doesn't even acknowledge me as she turns and flounces back to Steve's side. I put my towel down as far from them as possible, but enough for me to see just how far Steve is preparing to take this in order to conceal our own...agreement? It's not that, nor is it actually a relationship.

I really have no idea what we are other than just casual. We like each other, but is it enough to go as far as love?

I see Sharon all but laid across Steve's lap and focus on putting my sunscreen on, then hearing her shrill voice. "Oooh, could you quickly rub some sunscreen onto my back baby?"


Like fuck that man is 'baby'. If anything, when he gets older and if he's still playing football? Women will be calling him Daddy for sure. I grimace as he begins to rub the lotion into her back, Sharon all but making it like it's some kind of orgasmic episode to her. She must be shit in bed if that's the kind of thing that makes her come in so much as five seconds. "Oh my god that feels soooo good".

"Can one of you guys just shove your dick in her mouth to shut her up?" I now call over to the guys who laugh - well, everyone does except Sharon.

Instead she looks back at Steve. "Your little sister has all the best ideas".

His face hardens slightly, but she appears not to notice - but I do. "She's Bucky's sister - not mine".

"She may as well be considering you all practically grew up together". She replies and then proceeds to rub the lotion into her chest, allowing her to really massage her breasts in the process.

"Okaaaay so who wants to play some volleyball?" Sam now laughs awkwardly and I mouth 'Thanks' to him before getting up and purposely walking by Sharon, kicking sand in her direction so as it sticks to the sun lotion she just applied. I ignore her huff and small comment. "I'm in - Nat?"

"I will if it means that I get to kick Bucky's ass".

Of course my brother rises to the challenge, sizing up to her just so that they can discreetly touch. Only I see this though. "Oh it's on Romanoff".

"I got dibs on Lottie being on my team!" Sam yells as he also nabs Thor as well.

Bucky turns. "Steve? You in? We can't play two verses three".

He nods and comes over, leaving Sharon to scroll through her phone while talking quietly to Sarah, who's also tagged along with the couple of friends that I met the other evening.

"You're going down, no one's beaten the old round brown yet". Sam grins as he looks to the other three through the net they've set up.

Bucky smirks on this, always the competitive asshole when it comes to this kind of thing. Even when we went to the arcade on the boardwalk, he'd always challenge Becca and me at certain games. Loser had to ride the 'cyclone of death' as I'd dubbed it. It was just called 'The Cyclone' but of course it was always me who ended up having to fulfil the deal. Looking back I'm pretty sure that Steve threw up after riding it one year, and that wasn't even on losing to Bucky. That was just because he wanted to prove he wasn't scared about going on it. Deep down I knew he was shitting his pants.

He's a far cry from the kid I grew up with. More confident, taller and of course he's completely jacked. When he was younger he used to be pretty skinny and shorter - then puberty hit him like a train. Something I bet he'd glad about. It gave him an even better advantage on the football team than it had done before.

The game begins and even with Steve on their team, he's eating sand as I once again make a winning shot - signalling the end of the game. He gets up and brushes the sand from him, shaking his head at me. "A dirty move from you there, Barnes".

He'd know.

"Did you expect any less?" I pout and turn to hi five Sam, giving Steve a clear shot of my ass. I know for a fact that his eyes were on my boobs and not on my face - although he made it discreet.

Sharon walks over and kisses him as I turn back to say something. "Good job baby, maybe stick to football though?"

He laughs. "Yeah, I think I'd have a fair advantage when it comes to that".

I throw the ball to Nat, knowing I'll hit Sharon in the process. "Romanoff! Heads up!" I yell as the ball now smacks Steve's side bitch on the hip.

"Ow!" She grabs at it and then glares at me. "What the fuck?"

"I did say heads up - not my fault you were in Romanoff's way". I shrug with a small smirk of satisfaction forming on my lips.

"Lott". Steve warns as he slowly shakes his head at me, telling me I'm crossing the line. Like I give a fuck?

I head back to my towel. "I'm gonna get a drink".

"I think the losers need to buy us all ice cream". Sam announces as Thor and I agree with him on this.

Bucky agrees considering he lost and takes everyone's order, he and a few others heading to the ice cream shack up the beach. Meanwhile I'm forced to watch Sharon and Steve eat face, the familiar feeling of nausea washing over me at the sight, especially as his hands move over her ass while she is all but grinding on him.

It's only when he grunts slightly that I get up and pack my things away. "I'm heading back to the house". I say to Sarah, but loud enough for Steve to hear.

He breaks away from Sharon and looks at me. "You alright?"

"Yeah. Headache. Think the energy of the game and the heat have started a potential migraine". I tell him. Yeah. She's called Sharon.

He shifts slightly as though to get up, but I just wave it off. "I just need to lie down - nap for an hour..." Yeah and hopefully forget about the fact I can kinda see he's a little hard because of her.


"You're making the migraine fucking worse Steve!" I yell as I walk away and take the path back to the house, feeling the relief seep back into my bones once I'm there. This is gonna be harder than I thought. I can't stand the sight of them together - which all but tells me just how I'm beginning to fall. And too fast for my liking.

My phone vibrates and I see Steve's name flash up.

My room, tonight - I know you're fucking lying about having a migraine.

I ignore him for the rest of the day, and the evening. That's until he all but bulldozes into my room when I don't show up at his. 

Touchdown (Steve Rogers AU) - 18+Where stories live. Discover now