Chapter XIV - 14

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Madek retired comfortably into his seat in the center of the operations room. Here, in the heart of his barge, he could catch up on his sleep-in peace, easily awoken by his staff for updates. 

Felix piped up. "Everything is clear, sir. Increto MDCLVII and company arrived an hour ago. There is some bad news: Increto's positional tracker has gone down. However, we are still receiving status updates. The good news is that Accipitro MMMXIV is close on their tail. We should have contact with the enemy soon. Increto and company are moving to intercept."

"Excellent. I look forward to being done with this chase." 

"Shall I do anything more in the meantime, sir?" 

"No, just wake me in an hour with a progress report. 


"Motion in the primary. Liivi glanced over his shoulder at the two eldar.

The under armor hugged her body, which now moved with a grace un-tainted by injury. LIIVI could see her tensing and relaxing every muscle, testing them as she stretched. It almost reminded him of the felines he had observed on Terra, or in the company of some officials. 

Nearby, Mellorena was humming, smiling contentedly with herself as she organized her gear, basking in the afterglow of a job well done. 

The two exchanged words he could not understand, but the warmth was palpable.

"<I am in your debt, Doctor.>"

"<Don't be silly, Farseer. It's my job, and my privilege, to treat you.>"

Her gaze lifted to LIIV. "<I just hope I can find the same success with your friend.>"

"<You will.>"

The medic looked curiously at the Farseer, as if weighing some question. But the knowing smile which met her gaze was all the answer she needed.

In truth, Taldeer was only mostly confident. In fact, there was much about which she was uncertain. Perhaps now, before this major undertaking, it was time to consult the skein of fate. 

Kneeling on the tamped snow floor, she pulled the dice and rune stones from her armor and cast them before her. They clattered, rolled, and slid on the hard icy surface. 

Making sense of the result was a monumental task. One thing was certain - the repetition of danger. Here, there, and everywhere. In the center of it all was a very large danger. But no inkling into where, what, or when. She sighed and closed her eyes, attempting a more direct communion. The beach almost seemed serene. The thunder felt more distant. The fates prattled ceaselessly, but spoke in murmured whispers, scarcely audible. She frowned. So skittish had the fates been, these past few days. Now, they were even more quiet. Were they abandoning her?

"What does it mean?"



Madek woke groggily from his comfortable slumber.

"Yes, Felix?"

"Accipitro has indicated that it has established visual contact. Terra and Increto were hailed with coordinates and ordered to engage alongside Accipitro. Terra was unresponsive, but Increto subsequently confirmed visual contact. However, we remain unable to verify Increto's position."

The Inquisitor was testy.  "And you have reason to doubt her?" 

"In my time working with her, sir, she has certainly proven. . . independently minded. Unusually so, for her assassin temple."

"Madek was quick to respond. "I have the utmost faith in her," he replied, with his typical ill-fitting smile. 

"Are you trying to suggest something about our operative, Felix?"

"No, not all, sir. Simply an observation." 

"Well nevermind it. Determine why Terra is unresponsive."


Captain Gilfavor paced restlessly. All the while, he had been waiting for Taesan's report. It would be some time still until he had sufficiently surveyed the installation, but-

"Captain, do you copy?"

"I hear you." Gilfavor set the sound to broadcast around him. All activities ground to a halt as the squad listened in. "What do you have to report?"

"I arrived about <25 minutes>ago, about <two minutes>before firing. 

They had three patrols out, and they all marched into the main cannon facility. Thing is, they haven't come out yet. I've yet to survey it all, but there's a few things you should know right away. Your suspicion about these trees messing with the topographic data was correct - I can confirm that it's in a basin that the humans cleared. 

Bad news though. Maybe they got word of the crash, 'cause something has them spooked. When I arrived, blast doors were already lowered over what few windows there are - mostly the control tower.

There is some good news, though. I was able to lip read one of the soldiers complaining as they walked in - apparently, they're so undermanned they can't rotate patrols. Didn't shut the door immediately though. They waited to the last minute for a fourth squad, but it never appeared. That shook them up. Saw some drag marks in the mud leading to one of the main building's entrances, like somebody was hauling wounded. Or drunks. Some cameras in that area were taken out. Looked like lasfire through the scope, but don't know. No sign of hostilities. Not sure what to make of it."

"That last bit is better than nothing. At least it's in line with some of the intercepted comms. That's all?" 

"Yes sir."

"Roger. Return with a full report when you're done."

"Yes sir."

So, the mon-keigh might be a bit jumpy. But there was only a handful of them, and they were dog tired. 

Gilfavor breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps things wouldn't be so bad after all.

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