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As the exams came to an end, the friends couldn't contain their excitement for the well-deserved vacation they had planned. The destination? The picturesque hill station of Manali. With bags packed and spirits high, they all gathered at the airport for their much-anticipated trip.

Manik, looking at the lively group, couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. "Manali, here we come!"

Rohit, Laksh, Suraj, and Rudra, their college friends joining them on the trip, added to the joyful chaos. Rudra, with his flirtatious nature, wasted no time in turning on the charm, which was met with amusement and eye-rolls from everyone, except for one.

As Rudra playfully flirted with Kunj, a shadow passed over Abhimanyu's face. He clenched his fist, a pang of jealousy gnawing at him, though he couldn't quite understand why.

Meanwhile, Nandini, who had taken on the role of the group's unofficial mom, couldn't help but nag Niya and the others for not being on time. "Honestly, some people can't stick to a schedule," she muttered.

Manik, ever the peacemaker, patted Arjun's back reassuringly after Nandini's scolding. "It's alright, buddy. We still have an hour before our flight," he said with a calm demeanor.

Their trip to Manali was off to an eventful start, filled with flirtations, playful scoldings, and a growing sense of anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead. Little did they know that this trip would bring them closer together and lead to some unexpected revelations and emotions.



Upon landing in Manali, the group of friends encountered an unexpected problem. It turned out that Manik, who had been responsible for booking the hotel, had made a mistake and reserved only 6 rooms instead of the 11 they needed. Twinkle, who was known for her fiery temper, was filled with anger and frustration. She raised her hand as if to give Manik a piece of her mind.

Manik, sensing the impending storm, quickly sought refuge behind Arjun, using his friend as a human shield. Nandini joined Twinkle in scolding Manik for his apparent irresponsibility.

Abhimanyu, ever the peacemaker, tried to calm the situation. "It's alright, guys," he said soothingly. "We can look for another hotel."

However, the hotel staff informed them that due to an upcoming festival, all hotels in Manali were fully booked, and finding alternative accommodations was nearly impossible.

The hotel manager, seeing their predicament, suggested that they share rooms. He assured them that the rooms they had booked were luxurious and spacious, with large beds. It was a practical solution to their problem.

To determine who would share rooms with whom, they decided to draw random colored pebbles from a box. The results were as follows:

- Niya would share a room with Twinkle.
- Rudra would be roommates with Rohit.
- Arjun and Manik would be together.
- Suraj and Laksh would share a room.
- And finally, Abhimanyu and Kunj would be roommates.

Nandini was the lucky one who got a whole room to herself, leaving her with plenty of space and privacy.

With the room-sharing issue resolved, the group decided to make the best of the situation, knowing that this unexpected twist would undoubtedly lead to some memorable moments during their trip to Manali.

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