Chapter One: Preparations

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"What news do we have?" Robb asked leaning against his desk as he looked at Jon, he knew that his decision to install Jon on his council had been rather upsetting for some but he didn't care, he wanted his brother by his side. 

It had been Catelyn that had made the greatest protest about the appointment, but Robb refused to hear a word against Jon; he insisted that Jon was the only that knew what was coming from the North. 

The stories that Jon had told him had been enough to convince him about what Robb had seen, there would be many that discredit his story about the white walkers but there had been many from the Night's Watch that had backed him. 

There had even been a few wildings that had come forward to add to Jon's testimony about what he had seen, what was coming for them all. 

"The last reported sighting of the white walkers was Hardhome but there are some reports that they have reached the Fist of the First men," Jon stated reading the report that had arrived from the Wall. 

Dolorous Edd had been named the 99th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch after Jon had stepped down, he had been writing reports often and fortifying the Wall in preparation of what was to come. 

"We also have a report from Stannis, he says Lord Varys has had some news about Daenerys Targaryen," Maester Tylan stated from the parchment that had arrived from the South. 

There had been an increasing interest in the last Targaryen, her acts starting to drift across the sea when it became clear that she had intentions on returning to Westeros. 

Sanira had informed Robb of her vision, tasking their spy master Lysono Maar with discovering more about the woman that lay claim to the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Throne. 

"He says that Daenerys Targaryen still holds Meereen, she offered terms of surrender to the Masters of the cities that she had previously visited," Maester Tylan stated reading the parchment. 

There seemed no end to the news of what kind of ruler Daenerys Targaryen had been since she had come to power, her actions leaving destructive trial in their wake. 

Robb sighed, he doubted that the terms would be accepted and he knew that the Masters had every reason to be upset with what Daenerys had done; he did not have to wonder what the Targaryen Queen would do if they were not.

"Then she will turn her attentions to coming here," Jon guessed crossing his arms, he wasn't sure what to make of that decision especially when their focus was on the white walkers. 

It was the worst timing, they didn't need to deal with some foreign Queen who felt like she was owed something showing up on their shores after everything that had happened. 

"That is the assumption, she has an army of fewer than 8,000 Unsullied, and fewer than 100,000 Dothraki at her side," Maester Tylan recalled, the numbers changed each time that they heard but it was certain that she had a grand army by now. 

Barriston Selmy and Jorah Mormont were serving on Daenerys council, the two men having left Westeros before the War of the Five Kings; one after being dismissed as a Kingsguard while the other going into exile. 

"And three dragons," Jon muttered knowing that such things could not be forgotten, he was well aware that the Golden Company had started to prepare for such an occasion. 

From what he knew of it, they had ways of dealing with dragons and were more than prepared for when Daenerys finally showed up with her three. 

"Not fully grown," Harry Strickland acknowledged, it wasn't much of a distance but a seven year old dragon was a lot easier to deal with compared to a dragon the size of Vhagar; he had been told that Daenerys three measured in at about what Tyraxes had done when he had died during the Dance of the Dragons. 

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