Where is she?

...Did she finally leave?

No, she wouldn't...not now.

It saddened him a bit, he only really took this path because of her and without her here what's the point of even taking this path?

Standing there silently he hears rustles, making him flinch. He puts a hand on his chest, it was Autumn making her way over to him "Autumn! There you are I was worried you left me!" Chuckling to himself, but...something was off. The way the branches crunched and the bushes rustled over to the path, it seemed...bigger?

For a moment he thought it would be a bear but you could tell if a bear was coming your way.

She probably brought friends.

"Autumn?" Taking a step forward but he freezes, there he sees a familiar Ravenette and Brunette walking out from the bushes. Fundy steps away ready to make a run for it but sees something behind Alex's back " looking for someone?" Fundy stood frozen in his spot, shaking.

Right behind his leg he sees a familiar tail tears already filling his eyes "n-no," shaking his head "pl-please...you didn't..." Karl smiles "and what if we did?"

Alex tosses the small body in front of Fundy, and with his other hand he tosses a bloody rock next to it.

Fundy slowly walks to the body, tears streaming down his face "oh god...oh my god..." falling into his knees staring at the dead fox. Autumn's head was bashed in so badly you could barely tell where her mouth and eyes would be, Fundy sobbed placing a hand on the back of her neck, looking up at them. He noticed how bloody their hands were, but not as bloody as Alex's "SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! WHY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER!" He sobbed heavily "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT!"

Kale grins "she was so happy coming out of those bushes, and you were too." Looking over at Alex "so I grabbed some bread like you would and gave her some, but I led her into the woods and from there you know what happens."

Fundy stared at Autumn, he should've been there sooner. He should've come earlier.

"She seemed to be such a good girl, she was so sweet too, and honestly that was my first time ever petting a fox. My first time killing one too." Karl chuckled "you should've heard the way she cried out, how much she fought back~"


But he kept on going "it was so sad~ too bad we didn't care to stop." Alex stared at Fundy, taking a few steps forward "just know that she died because of you, she could've had babies Fundy, she was probably nursing them yet she came back to see you which only led her to us." Fundy stared at the mutilated fox "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." petting her.

"That's fucking disgusting, how are you going to pet a fucking corpse." Looking up he sees Karl taking a video making his eyes widened, standing up "STOP FUCKING RECORDING ME!" Running at him but Alex puts his arms over his shoulders, stopping him "now that you say that! Karl wanna show him the video we recorded?" Karl stops recording and smiles "hell yeah I do."

Trying to get away from Alex the sound of screeching makes him pause "sound familiar?" Tears streamed down his face more "ST-STOP IT!" Trying to free himself but Alex pins him to the dirt ground "listen to it Fundy! She died because of you!"

The sound of a rock cracking open a skull filled the once peaceful air, Autumn cries echoed around him;


He tried to get from underneath him, Alex's arms wrapping around his neck making him sob "LISTEN TO HER FUNDY!" Over and over he heard the blood gush out and her brains were mushed into nothing "SHE COULD'VE BEEN ALIVE IF YOU GOT HERE EARLIER!" Alex grabbing a fist full of his hair forcing him to see the fox "SHE WOULD'VE LIVED IF SHE NEVER MET YOU-"

Guardian Angel {Schlundy}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon