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Sadie and Lars entered the café, shivering. Lara sighed in relief as the warmth reached his face and hands, inhaling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

"Come on Lars' Sadie exaimed pulling her boyfriend toward the short line for the Barista.

And Lars rolled his eyes out how excited Sadie was for coffee but let her pull him towards the line.

They soon reached the counter, and the Barista leaned on the counter, smiling at Sadie.
"How can I help you?"

Lars couldn't help but notice that Barista was particularly good-looking, and a flare of jealousy boomed into his chest."I'll have a Carmel mocha" he said rather loudly,pulling Sadie slightly closer to him. Sadie looked up at him, her face a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Alright," the Barista said,grabbing a cup. "And for the gorgeous Blondie?"

Sadie flushed, smiling shyly, and Lars felt anger and jealousy rising up inside him.
"My girlfriend", Lars empathized the word as much as he possibly could. "Would like a hazelnut macchiato".

The information didn't seem to daunt the Barista at all, although several people looked up. "A brilliant drink for a brilliant lady" the worker flashed a dazzling smile at Sadie, and Lars immediately began dragging her to furthest table from the counter.

They sat down, and Sadie raised an eyebrow at him.
"That was not necessary".

Lars sighed. "Whatever.They bring the coffee to you, so we don't have to get back up,luckily".

Sadie eyed him suspiciously before eventually telling Lars about her day at her moms yesterday, and about some kid who kept poking her and pulling her pale blond hair. Lars looked over at the Barista as Sadie was speaking, and noticed that he had just finished making the coffee and was bringing it over to them. Before Lars had any time to prepare, the Barista was at their table.

"Carmel mocha" he said indifferently, sliding the coffee over to Lars. "And the hazelnut macchiato".
The Barista then leaned in so close to Sadie that Lars cleared his throat loudly. "Alright thankyou goodbye"! It was deliberate dismissal and the worker knew it. He went away, but not before he winked at Sadie flirtingly.

Lars and Sadie sat in silence, Sadie twirling her cup around, until Sadie suddenly exclaimed. "Oh my god! He gave me his number" She spun her cup around so that Lars could see the seven digits hastily scrawled across the Styrofoam. Sadie was grinning, and Lars felt his jealousy rear its ugly head.

"He's going to get it".

Sadie leaned over the table and grabbed Lars hand, still smiling.

"Lars"! She laughed.
"It's okay! He causes no treat to our relationship. I have no interest in him", Sadie assured her boyfriend.

Lars smiled a bit and his girlfriend and leaned over the table to give her a quick kiss on the lips. He relaxed and enjoyed the rest of there date.

But, when they left, Lars glared at the Barista while opening the door for sadie. Just to be safe.

There is that one took forever to make.

Also I rewrote the
'The baby' one shot so go read that too.


Larsadie One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora