"Dead" by Daylight

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Dwight flipped the switch to the last generator. He saw a spark and then heard a pop noise come from the generator. The lights of the building he was in flickered on. Dwight high-fived himself and booked it out of the building. He had flipped the last generator, which meant the gate door keeping him trapped was now opened.

He turned the corner only to be met by one of the killers. He wore what looked to be tactical gear over his black ropes. His pure white mask was the only thing not hidden in the darkness. Dwight knew this killer well. He had been stabbed by him plenty of times and saw enough of his films to know this was the one they called Ghost face.

Ghost face raised his knife and began to walk slowly towards Dwight. Dwight panicked and chucked a piece of rumble at Ghost's face, which he dodged. Dwight ran the other way. While Ghost face chuckled to himself and started to run after Dwight.

Dwight knew he shouldn't, but he just had to know he turned back and saw Ghost face slowly catching up to him.

The fear and adrenaline shot to Dwight's brain and gave him a slight boost in speed, helping him to out pace Ghost face.

Dwight came across a palett and placed in the way of Ghost face. Ghost Face skidded to a stop, but unfortunately, for Ghost face, he didn't stop soon enough and crashed into the palett, knocking not just the wind out of him but himself to the ground.

Dwight laughed and rushed to the next room. Dwight swung the door open and nearly fell on his butt when he came across the tall sort-of tree looking figure with a human skull and spine as a weapon. His pure white eyes fixed themselves on Dwight. The killer let out a sort of growl and began to walk towards Dwight. Dwight quickly ran out the room and slammed the door behind himself, and ran towards the open window.

Dwight thought to himself,'Great! First Ghost face now Wraith! What could be worse?' Dwight vaulted out of the open window while Wraith followed slowly behind ringing his bell as a sign of doom for Dwight.

Dwight ran down the dusty path and saw the gate was open and that two of the other survivors, Bill and Claudette, were waiting for him. Dwight thought to himself,'Wait! Where's Meg? No, they must have already got her!' Dwight remembered he did hear screams of terror and pain earlier that sounded like Meg's, but when there are four of you getting chased by psychopathic killers, you really can't tell the difference

Dwight heard Bill yell, "Move it, kid, let's get out of here!" Dwight started to kick up more dirt as he ran faster and faster towards the gate.

Dwight then heard and ear percing shreik. He turned and saw the killer know as the nurse had worp behind him, but thankfully, she wasn't close enough to grab him. Dwight panicked again and began to run in zig-zags in an attempt to make her "Blink" ability far less useful it could only move her in one direction, not multiple.

The nurse regained her strength and used another "Blink" to worp close to Dwight, taking a swing at him with her bone saw but thankfully missing.

Dwight knew that the nurse had one last Blink ability left, so he had to think quickly, and then he saw Ghost face making a b-line for him. He had to act fast. Dwight darted towards Ghost face's direction, and when he heard the scream of The nurse, he jumped out of the way. Nurse swung he bone saw scratching Ghost face as well as crashing into him. Dwight ran towards the gate again. He saw Claudette was already making he way out with Bill following close behind her. Bill yelled back again,"Hurry, kid!"

Dwight saw his freedom, and then his life flashed before his eyes when the tall,brawny, bunny mask was wearing killer. The huntress slipped in his way. Dwight gulped as she raised her axe and swung at Dwight! Dwight slipped under her and ran towards the open gate. Huntress quickly grabbed her hatchet and threw it. Not at Dwight but at the gate control box. Dwight saw his own reflection in the shiny hatchet as it flew past his face and into the control box. Sparks flew everywhere.

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