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Mephone: Bright Lights!
A blending sound is heard in the background.
Come with me to the elimination area!
looks at Knife, who is using a blender to make a milkshake
Knife, do you mind not blending that milkshake in our faces?

Knife, sarcastically: Well, sorry!

Mephone: You should be! So let's start the elimination!

Paintbrush: Hold on, where's Test Tube and Yin-Yang?

Test tube, walking up to the other contestants together with Yin: Here we are!

Yin: Hi, guys!

Teddy Bear: Woah!! Did someone paint Yang white or-

Yin: No, Test Tube gave me a potion to split Yang and I into different people!

Mepad: Wow, that's incredible!

Paintbrush: So where's the darker half?

Yin: He ran away! We tried to find him!

Mephone: Ehh, I'm sure we can let that wait a bit. But first, we have to give out the prizes: sticks! We got a lot of votes, so we decided to make it special! Marshmallow, Test Tube, and Teddy are safe!

Teddy Bear: Hey Marsh, wanna have my stick?

Marshmallow: Aww, thanks, Ted'! I... I guess...

Mephone: Paintbrush, Lightbulb, and Fan are also safe! Here are your sticks!

(Skips elimination bc I'm just lazy rn lmao)

Toilet: He sure seems okay to me!

MePad: Whatever. Onto the next challenge. It's a triathlon!

Teddy Bear: ...What's a triathlon?

MePhone: Well, you ignoramus, it's basically a three-part race: swimming, cycling, and running. And you gotta tri your best to win!

Cheesy slaps his knee.

MePhone: Okay, Cheesy, they got the joke.

Cheesy: Yeah, now they did.

MePhone: And because the team captains are so awesome...

Lightbulb: Yeah...?

Mephone: They will not be participating.

Lightbulb: Oh, the humanity, I can't compete, oh no!

takes out a lawn chair

Lightbulb: Seems like my team's doomed, nooo!

Lightbulb puts on sunglasses and lies on the chair. The camera zooms
out, revealing Baseball on another lawn chair.

Lightbulb: Eh, eh, they'll be fine, eh, they'll be alright...

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So uhm

I'm back yeah

Honestly,,, I think I'm just gonna update this book less then before, if that's really fine.
I don't have any deadlines for anything, unless I say so.

So erm,,,,,,,


Canceled. Old au, I lost motivationWhere stories live. Discover now