Chapter #1

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I lower my head down as I walk through the high-school's front doors. People look my way and laugh and start to whisper among themselves. I walked over to my locker and saw that someone had wrote 'LONER' on it with black spray paint. My locker door was full of graffiti like this.

I opened up my graffitied locker and grabbed out my textbooks that I needed for the day. I close my locker and next thing I know a tall guy walks into me, On purpose, and my text books scatter all over the floor. He starts to laugh, and I go to pick them up but he then kicks my books further away from me and he laughs again. He then walks away laughing with his friends.

Everyone is now looking at me and laughing.

What did I do to deserve this life?
I walk into maths class and there is no free desks, so I go to sit next to a girl at the back and I smile at her sweetly. She then got up and pretended to puke , she walked over to another girls desk and sat down. They then started to whisper and look at me.


I open up my text book and lower myself into my desk.

The teacher walks in and I try to listen as much as possible, as to what she's saying, and write down what I need.
The day is going so slow, but it is finally lunchtime, So I grab some money for the canteen and go and get myself some food. After I had my food, I went over to a quiet tree and sat down. I put my headphones in and started to eat my Ham and salad wrap. I was about half way through it when a football came and hit me on the head.

I took out my headphones and looked up to see who had kicked the football.
There stood a tall guy, and I have to admit he is slightly attractive. I looked down and put my headphones back in and rubbed my head. Then there was a tap on my shoulder and I jumped. I looked up and saw the same guy standing right next to me. I took out my headphones and he just kept staring at me. I looked at him and then down at the ground again.

Maybe if I don't look at him he will go away, I thought to myself.

I looked up again and surprisingly he still was standing there. He smiled at me with a gorgeous smile and said "Hi I'm Brandon Jones." he reached his hand out expecting me to shake it but I didn't he slowly brought it back and then continued to talk "Sorry that the football hit you, are you okay?" He asked

I nodded.

Why was he talking to me?

"What's your name?" He asked while sitting down.

I looked at him and then looked away. I then whispered "what do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything, I was just trying to be nice. You seem cool and mysterious." He said with a smirk.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and then quietly said "trust me nobody likes me, ask anyone at this school. Also I'm the opposite of cool." I looked away from him and then grabbed my phone, headphones and half eaten wrap and put them in my bag and stood up.

I started to walk away and he stood up as well and was walking beside me. "Where are you going Miss.Mysterious?" He asked

"Away from you" I replied and kept walking.

"Why? I didn't mean to make you upset or anything"

"Because Brandon, no body likes me and I mean no body! I'm not the type of person you should be seen with, people will start to bully you too" I whispered.

"I'm sure some people like you and I don't care what people think about me, I can hang out with who I want" Brandon replied

"Seriously no body likes me okay, believe me. Can you please just leave me alone now. Save yourself from any drama"

"You keep saying no body likes you but maybe that's because whenever someone tries to talk to you, you tell them to go away...."

"Brandon, no body tries to talk to me. You are like the first to actually talk to me since-" I looked at him and then realised I was about to tell him a secret of mine (That he will probably find out soon enough anyways) "something happened, except for the people who tease and bully me"


"Yes really now please go away. I like to be by myself if you haven't already noticed" I said staring at him

"Oh I noticed. Will you tell me your name at least Miss.Mysterious?" Brandon asked me with a cute smile

"No..." I replied and walked into the hallway and lost Brandon in the crowd. I heard him shout "I will find out your name Miss.Mysterious"

I shook my head, smiled and headed to my next class. Science.


Hey everyone!!

Hope you like my new story so far, and just letting you know it gets better trust me, well I hope it does anyways!

Let me know what you think so far:

-Love it❤

-Like it👍

-Hate it👎

-Dunno yet

XxXx Love youse all to the moon and back times infinity XxXx❤

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