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Sora decided to head down to see An instead of hanging by the pool. He got up from the lounger, heading back into the Beach. Sora took his time to get down to Ann who was down in one of the two kitchens. Apparently, she made that her little "office" and spent more of her days down there.

Sora looked around, taking everything in. He saw the different hallways on the main level, seeing where someone could hide away from the rest of the Beach without being noticed. Sora kept some of those places in mind as he headed down the stairs to the first lower level where the kitchens and first aid office were located. And the floor below that was the electrics and boil room.

Sora knocked on the door and waited a few seconds to hear if he could hear Ann or someone else in the room. He knocked again as he opened the door, peering inside. Sora's eyes widened at the body that laying across the metal counter – he was butt naked, flat on his stomach, eyes wide open.


Sora snapped out of his thoughts as he entered the kitchen. He turned his head to see Ann bent over another naked body. "I'm Sora," he cleared his throat before continuing, "I was told to come here to tend to a wound I have."

An lifted her head up, sighing heavily. Sora didn't mean to disturb her, but he wanted confirmation his wound was healing correctly. Ann looked over at Sora, "I don't see blood." Ann commented.

Sora lifted his shirt to show off the wound to his side.

Ann stopped what she was doing, removing the gloves from her hands. "Looks like a knife wound." An said as she walked away from the project she was dealing with on the side. "Game gone wrong?" she asked as she looked at Sora's stab wound.

"You could say that." He commented under his breath. Sora wasn't sure if he could actually tell her what happened to him. The person who stabbed him was from the Beach, and ultimately, they got killed because they tried to stop him from saving their lives.

An tilted the light by the body near Sora. She grabbed a stool to check over the wound. "Did you tend to this yourself?"

Sora shook his head. "Another player did, actually. He saved me from bleeding out." An pressed her fingers against his skin.

"That's a surgeon's hand, for sure." An looked closer at the healing wound. Sora thought Chishiya was a doctor, he tried not to make it obvious, but there was subtle things that Chishiya that made Sora question how he knew what the knew. Most of what he said to Sora – and even Reika – they went over their heads. "Obviously, he made do with what he could find. How long was this bandaged up for?" An asked.

"For about five or six days, then I would only bandage it up when I went to a game to make sure I didn't break the skin." Sora stated.

She nodded. Sora flinched at her rougher poking at his skin. "Still tender." An observed. "How long ago was this?" An asked, looking up at Sora.

"About two weeks ago."

An looked back at the healing wound. "Did someone from the Beach do this?"

Sora stiffened up against An's touch. An got up from the stool, heading over to grab a few things. Sora cleared his throat. "Yes." Sora answered.

An rolled her eyes. "I could tell by the angle that the blade went into your skin. They missed every major organ on your side. They probably left a bloody mess behind." An walked back over to Sora, "Let me guess, they are dead?" An asked as she sat back down.

"Lasers got them." Sora said. "The game we played said if violence was detected, it was an automatic game over."

An tilted her head, impressed with the game rules. "Not very often do you hear no violence in a game. They deserved it." An began to clean the area, making Sora jump at the coldness against his skin. "How many days do you have left of your visa?" An asked.

Stardust || Chishiya ShuntarōHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin