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Hope. Such a small word but with an immense impact on those around us and ourselves.
Dream. Similar to Hope such a small word but yet so meaningful word.

And yet I look around me and I see these falter day by day. Hopes and Dreams mean nothing to people nowadays.

"It's hopeless..."

"It's meaningless..."

"It's pointless..."

"It's too late for me..."

"It doesn't matter anymore..."

"Is it even worth it?"

At some point, I was there as well. I didn't know whether or not my actions were as meaningful in the grand scheme of things. 

'Would I be able to have an impact on those around me and be remembered?'

But after a while thanks to the people around me I was starting to get better. These types of thoughts started to go away. They still were there in the back of my mind but they didn't bother me as much as they used to before.

For once I felt Hope.

But then it got me thinking again.

Sure felt hope again...but what about anyone else?

What if there are others out there who don't feel Hope anymore? What if there are people out there who don't have dreams anymore?

And maybe just maybe...

I can give other people Hope just like the others did for me.




Phew! That was quite the intro, wasn't it? 
I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while and now I'm finally able to do it!
I hope you guys liked this brief introduction my main inspiration for this book was my sister actually. We've both had our fair share of similar experiences these past years and while I'm starting to get better I have noticed for some time now that she hasn't.

This is why I started to write this and these reminders will not only be for her. But also for me, you guys, and anyone else who happens to stumble on this story. It's let you know that you're not alone in this and there's still a light at the end of this tunnel. 

There's still Hope for you.

Faithful Hope and Wishful DreamingWhere stories live. Discover now