gentle soul

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Suri looked confused as Azreal looked at her in complete and utter shock "you found your soulmate" Azreal said sounding shocked

"What's wrong Azreal?" Suri said tilting her head to the side "no seriously who did you make eye contact with who's your soulmate" Azreal said

"Um...why does that matter" Suri said confused "did no one tell you about the soulmate bond" Azreal said shaking Suri by the shoulders

"Calm down Azreal your making me dizzy with all that shaking" Suri said her eyes dizzy "who was the person you made eye contact with..." Azreal said

'Hopefully it's not who I think it is' Azreal thought to herself "I made eye contact with kaname why is something wrong" Suri said

Azreal fell on her knees "so it is him" Azreal said on all fours sounding depressed "why do you sound so depressed Azreal?" Suri said

"Suri listen to me very closely alright...kaname kuran is an ancient pureblood vampire" Azreal said as Suri blinked slowly

"Yeah I know" Suri responded "you can't just get cozy with him and...wait you" Azreal said sounding a little shocked

"I'm sure with the fact that when Kayla was alive she looked a whole lot like me and my twin sister Yoma...or so grandma tells us" Suri said

"Really...OK then just be careful with him...Kaname's power's are somewhat unstable I don't want you to get hurt" Azreal said

"Thanks for worrying about me Azreal" Suri said "...but really I can take care of myself after all dad trained me and the rest of us in case anything bad happened" Suri said

Suri was brought to her room "ok now shouldn't you be checking in with your twin right now" Azreal said leaning against the door frame

"I'll call her later once I'm settled in" Suri said "are you sure you don't want me to help you unpack" Azreal said sounding concerned

"I'm fine but you really should go now things could get messy" Suri said making Azreal confused "messy?" Azreal said sounding confused

"Go ahead" Suri said as she started to unpack her things as Azreal left a new figure appeared and Suri felt her presence "is something wrong miss ruka" Suri said with a smile on her face

Suri's pov

"You better stop confusing lord kaname with your appearance and leave your an eyesore" ruka said I kept my composure

"Leave but I just got here" I said a smile on my face "lord kaname has been through enough grief he doesn't need a look alike to cause trouble for his aching heart" ruka said

"I don't know about that...maybe a little trip down memory lane is what he needs to get over his grieving" I said she slapped me in the face

"Lord kaname doesn't need to feel more pain that he already he doesn't need you to start him back up again" ruka said this made me sigh

"Are you done" I said letting down my smile ruka tried to smack me again but I grabbed her wrist holding it firmly in my hand

"You seem to dislike the fact that I'm here most of all...but it only seems as though you don't want to grieve after seeing someone who looks just like an old Kayla kuran right" I said

"You shut your mouth" ruka said trying to slap me with her other hand only for me to grip it as well "I'm not just another pretty face" I said

"Unlike you I'm a person who can empathize with pain and agony...I know what it feels like to lose someone close to you" I said

"I lost my mother in an accident just last year and I thought it was my fault but...I had my siblings to tell me otherwise you have to stop grieving eventually" I said

"The only way to do that is to surround yourself with people who can help you heal" I said with a soft gaze ruka lowered her hands

"Just leave lord kaname has been in enough pain already" ruka said taking my words lightly "miss Souen don't take my words lightly holding in the grief will only make it worse" I said

"Lord kaname does not need your pity" ruka said and left my room I sat on my bed and sighed deeply "that was terrifying" I said with a sigh

3rd person pov

Suri reached for her right cheek and felt it ache "ow that hurts she slapped me very hard" she said rubbing her cheek lightly trying to soothe the pain

Then her phone started ringing "I think I know who's calling me right now" Suri said with a smile on her face as she pulled out her cellphone from her pocket

"Hey sis how's it going" Suri said "I haven't went to my new school yet if that's what your wondering" Yoma said as Suri looked confused

"Huh why not" Suri said "I'm coming over to visit you in two days to see how your settling in" Yoma said "why" Suri asked confused

"Because I want to make sure your not getting bullied and all that" Yoma said as Suri fell quiet "did you already get into a fight" Yoma said

"Nooooo...." Suri said nervously "why do I not believe that" Yoma said with a deadpan voice making Suri shiver nervously

"You wouldn't happen to be lying to your dear twin sister now would you" Yoma said darkly as Suri sweats nervously " of course not why would I lie to you" Suri said

"Suri you stuttered...I can tell you're lying to me...see you in two days...if you survive that long" Yoma said "very funny" Suri said unamused as they both hung up the phone

"I'm doomed" Suri said then sighed as she fell back on her bed closing her eyes and breathing in the air Suri had harder life than any of the other siblings because she could feel emotions from other people

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