Introducing Wattpad Originals

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Hi Wattpadders 👋

It's time to share some big news with you! Paid Stories is getting a glow-up and we're unveiling a new identity and vision for how readers engage with quality content on Wattpad.


Introducing Wattpad Originals. Curated, quality stories, with new ways to read for FREE!

Here's what to expect:

✨ You can now snack on ongoing Wattpad Originals with weekly updates and read them for free. Ongoing Originals will only have the latest 10 Parts paywalled. Each time a new Part is published, the paywall moves back and another Part becomes free! You can wait to read until that next free Part drops, or skip the wait and unlock now.

✨ If your power-reader energy doesn't vibe with ongoing stories, there will always be hundreds of completed Wattpad Originals for you to indulge in. Late-night marathon reading: activated.

✨ Curated and vetted for you by our editors, Wattpad Originals will have you spending more time reading and less time searching for your next obsession.

More ways to directly support creators. Whether you unlock stories with Coins, your Wattpad Premium+ subscription, or wait to read for free, you're helping creators earn money for sharing their best work and shining a light on their stories with your readership. Everyone wins.

We're gradually updating our app and web experience to reflect this rebrand to Wattpad Originals. Update your app to version 10.31.1 to watch the glow-up happen.

And the reading for free part? It's already here! Dive into our Reading List to indulge in ongoing Wattpad Originals for free. 🙌

If you have questions about these changes, check out our FAQ over at our Help Center available in Deutsch, Español, Filipino, Français, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, Português, and Türkçe.

Happy reading!

P.S. We're just getting started with the launch of Wattpad Originals. Even more ways to read for free are in the works, so follow this profile and keep an eye out for our next few updates 👀

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