Chapter 4

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Despite Dad's command, I couldn't stop hanging out with Fresh. Mainly just because he was always hanging out with Ava and Joseph... One day, I did manage to split from the three... but to be honest, Fresh sometimes weirded me out. I caught him just staring at me once, and his sunglasses were blank... when I asked him what was up, he just said "nothing" and went back to whatever he was doing. Still creeps me out to this day... I caught him doing it a few more times, and one day, I couldn't help but ask in small panic, "Can you stop?!" He just blinked and tilted his head.

"Stop what?" He'd asked.

"Stop staring at me like that!! It's creepy!" I exclaimed through small glitches. He'd just shrugged and nodded before going back to his work.

Today, I was back in the library, reading books for English and taking notes for a project, when the boy from before came and sat across from me. I didn't pay much attention, silently screaming in my head as I worked.

"Hey there." He greeted with a grin. I looked up from my notes to find soft red eyes looking into my own. He had short curly ginger hair, and pale white skin. He also had a small scar over his right eye. I tried to act casual and calm.

"H-Hi." ....DAMMIT--

"My name's Heart." He smiled, "What's yours?"

"Um... Eric..." I glanced away shyly, hoping and praying that I wasn't blushing again.

"Nice to meet you, Eric." He smiled, "Y'know... I think I saw you once before." He said, catching my interest as I looked back at him.


"Yeah. I can't put WHERE, though..." He stared at me for a few seconds -- what is it with people and staring at me??? -- before grinning again. "Do you come to the library often?"

"Y-Yes." I nodded.

"That's probably where then." He chuckled. I forced out a nervous chuckle as well.

"Probably..." My phone suddenly buzzed as I looked.


"Be home by five."

"I-I gotta go!" I exclaimed as I got my bag and ran, leaving Heart to see me run out glitching in panic.

Heart watched as Eric ran, then quietly pulled out his phone.

Chatting with: 80's and Multicolor

♥︎Cupid♥︎: I saw him today. Library. He ran off before I could get into casual conversation.

80's: Doesn't he look familiar???

Heart paused, looking at the response. Then, he remembered something... a poster he'd seen around a few weeks ago... tossed in the garbage.

Have you seen this child?

Have you seen this child?

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♥︎Cupid♥︎:  I think I know why.

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