Friendship Blossoms (12)

Start from the beginning

Reddoons seemed to look behind Branzy into the distance for a moment as if to pause and think.

"Because Branzy, I know what heart ache looks like."


07:00 :Lefu had decided to show up at the circus at exactly seven In the morning (not that Clown wasn't already awake but still, that was a bit absurd).

"Hi Lefu, What brings you to my house so early in the morning?"

He inspected the girl in front of him, judging her every move. She returned the favour by giving him a piercing stare, brown eyes met a white, worn, weathered mask.

" Nothing much, just wanted to talk to my friend. "

Nervous. She seemed on edge for some reason and he didn't know why, and he didn't like it.

Clown moved to the side,"Mkay, come in."

A smile crept onto her face. "Thank you!"

Clown followed the ravenette as she strutted into their living room showing herself around.

Landing softly on a plush red couch, she swung one leg over the over and made herself at home.

07:38 : Clown and Lefu had been chatting for a while now. He had discovered many random facts about her like how her favourite flower was the wither rose or how her favourite colour was black.

"Lefu, have I ever told you that you're eyes are beautiful - not in a weird way, but like,you have heterochromia and I think that's really cool. " I acc think it really is so I had to mention it.

" Thanks. "

08:12 : ... "You really explored a jungle temple?!

"Yup and speaking of which , I was wondering whether you would like to tag along with me and Branzy on our adventure, but be warned, it will be potentially dangerous..."

Lefu 's eyes seemed to darken with some sort of hidden aura, "You think I'm scared? I'm down to join you."

"Great, speaking of which there's Branzy over there, he's finally awake, he seemed really upset yesterday and I don't know why... "

Clown called out to Branzy just to be greeted by his dear friend silence. Either Branzy was deaf and needed his hearing checked out, or he was just completely ignoring him.

He chose to go with the latter.

"Lefu, I'm worried about Branzy... I'm going to go see if he's okay. You're still welcome to stay here for a while if you want though - I'll be back in a bit."

Something seemed to flicker across the ravenette's face for a second, but maybe it was just a trick of the light.

She smiled sweetly, "That's okay, see you in a bit Clowny."

He brushed past her choosing to ignore the nickname.

Confused, concerned, distraught: Clown sprinted yet again in search for Branzy, like he always had and always would.

After last night he had managed to convince himself that everything was okay, Branzy was okay, but he wasn't. He convinced himself he was despite the fact uncertainty was gnawing at the back of his mind.

His breath fogged up into a small cloud in front of him as he looked around in search of his friend. The wind nipped at him, almost taunting him about the whole situation, whispering to him about how he was to blame. They were the voices in his head.

What had he done?

He genuinely cared about Branzy and to think that something could have happened to make him upset or worse, he himself made him upset caused his heart to throb violently in his chest.

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