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There once was a fire elemental, which was feeling lonely because of his type. His whole tribe was made of water elementals, and they were so afraid of him that they decided to put him away of their lives. For a few moons, he was alone, left with his own thoughts in a little house in the middle of the forest.

One night, as he was thinking about the meaning of his existence, he decided to go and explore the human world.
He found a tiny village, where everyone seemed happy, embracing altogether their differences and similarities. Human kids were playing with a tiny little paper plane. They made it fly, and fly, and fly, until its nose was so broken it couldn't fly anymore. The kids laughed as if the wound of their plane was not very important to them, and they ran away, pushing each other for fun.
The fire elemental, which had seen the whole scene, went to help the tiny paper plane, lying on the gravels. In order to take it and hold it without any burn, the elemental turned himself into a human form. He took the plane home, and gave it a little bit of his own magic energy.

During the whole week of recovery of the plane, they talked a lot, and when the energy given by the fire elemental became enough, the little plane could also shift into a human. Weeks and weeks passed, and their friendship soon became love. The attraction between the fire elemental and the paper plane grew, and grew again, but they couldn't touch each other. Because fire burns paper, and can destroy it faster than the blink of the amorous eye.

One day they were in human form, the fire elemental tried to touch the paperboy's arm, and, thanks to their magic energy, the he didn't burn. Overjoyed by this discovery, the two boys hugged, and kissed.

As you surely know, dear reader, magic spells need a lot of concentration to stay effective. Sadly, love and focus do not often go together and this time was no exception.
As they were kissing, full of a contained passion, the fire elemental's spell broke, turning him back to his fire form. His beloved paper boy looked at him, eyes to eyes, face to face and mouth to mouth, and whispered his first and last "I love you. Remember me." A few seconds later, he was reduced to ashes. The fire elemental decided to eat them so his love would be forever with him.

For days and days, he wandered in the forest, until he found the water elementals tribe, the very same tribe which had put him in a forced exile because of his different element. He went to see the chief of the tribe to ask her the supreme act. They talked, talked until the day after. At the time the sun was rising, the chief announced her decision.
In a pretty short amount of time, the whole water elemental tribe was surrounding the fire elemental. It is a natural way in nature to extinguish fire with water ; that is what the elemental wanted, so he could go back to his beloved paper plane.

Nowadays, if you look very carefully at the skies, in day or night time, you may see a cloud, looking like a paper plane with a fire trail. If you do, let them enjoy their time together, and gently smile at them.
And, most of all, dear reader, love.
Love, until you can't anymore, because you'll never know when your loved ones will go. But don't forget you'll find them back one time or another, in another world, with the paper plane and the fire elemental.

Hi guys, Alix here.

This short text was an assignment for my first year in English literature class. I liked it, and here I am, a year later, posting it on this platform.
I wrote it almost a year ago, and only did a few adjustments, I didn't want to change it that much.
As you may have read it in the description, this is a one shot. You'd also want to know that I'm not from an English speaking country, so mistakes are certain to be found.
I am planning on writing this short story in my native language, which is French, and maybe one day a NSFW one, but this one is very incertain.
I hope you had a good time reading my work,

Alix Moriarty.

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