Leo x Raven

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Request by LittleLeo_Fan

Prompt Movie date:

Leo stood outside the brightly lit movie theatre waiting for a certain ravened haired boy to show. It was himself and this boy's year anniversary of the day they began dating. Leo gazed over the screen listing the current movies playing that evening wondering which one his boyfriend chose. "Boo!" A sudden voice jumped Leo out of his thoughts, quickly whipping his head around. Raven's familiar laugh filled Leo's ears. "You scared me!" Leo huffed, Raven ruffled the ginger boys hair. "Sorry love." Raven smiled sheepishly. Raven threw his arm over Leo's shoulder guiding him to the food section. "What movie we watchin'?" Leo gazed up at his boyfriend, "I was thinking the new Five Nights at Freddy's movie?" Raven met Leo's gaze as they both stood in line. Leo smiled, nodding his head approvingly. 

The two boy's got their food and walked into the screen rooms, settling in their assigned seats. After a few more people entered the room, the ads began to start. Leo casually leaned his head on Raven's shoulder before shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. 


After the movie ended Leo and Raven walked out hand in hand, "That was so good!" Leo exclaimed, "Here I wanna show you something else." Raven started guiding Leo to his car, Leo looked up at Raven confused "What is it?" Leo asked, "Surprise." Raven smirked, and opened up the car door for Leo. Leo got in hesitantly, as Raven got into the drivers seat.


The drive there wasn't to long. As the car came to a stop. The two boys got out, Raven took Leo's hand guiding him to the surprise. Nearing the area Leo could see a blanket laying on the ground. "I know it's kinda cheesy.." Raven started, "But I thought for our anniversary we could come back to the place we had our first date." Raven chuckled. Leo giggled, "I love you so much" Leo kissed Raven's cheek before throwing himself onto the blanket. Raven sat down beside him.


The two boys spent hours just talking about anything that came to mind.


The end

OK shit I know, it's really short aswell. My bad. I'm probably gonna write another Reo story cause this is not my best. I'm also gonna put a request page on the next chapter so like can you please but previous and new request on it. Thank you!! I'm also writing a Jackpo story but can anyone like explain to me the coco situation?

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