"I've taken the liberty of preparing some entertainment for you." he laughed out, "Without further ado: the gallant knight protects the princess fair!" he boomed out, before the room became silent again.

"Ugh!" Ashley shuttered out, moving a bit closer to me.

"You and me both." I said grimacing, walking to a red wooden door. "I'll be a second, go ahead without me." I asked, pushing the door open.

A large desk was on the side, with two shelves full of books on the sides. A book laid out on it, its pages exposed to my view.

I picked it up, flipping through it before one particular page caught my eye.

Parasites and their Ecology Vol. 2
There are some parasites that have the ability to control their hosts. This is basic knowledge among most biologists but not much is known as to how the parasites do it.

I hummed, flipping through the pages of the book before quickly growing bored. With a casual toss, I returned it to the table and headed back through the door I had entered. Following the trail of a red carpet, I descended the stairs and reached two massive wooden doors.

Upon entering the next room, I noticed that we needed to operate a wheel to lower pathways, which were crowded with villagers dressed in black robes. The room was expansive, with the same red carpet, and black waterfalls cascading into small pools of inky water.

I turned the last wheel, raising the final platform to create a bridge on the other side. Jumping down, we hurried along the path to the door. Leon pushed it open, revealing a fountain adorned with blooming white and purple flowers. Crows circled above us, dispersing as we approached.

I spotted another hole in the wall near the fountain. "I'll get it," I volunteered.

Leon turned to look at me. "What? Give me a boost up," I said with a nonchalant shrug.

Leon nodded and squatted down in front of the wall with his back to me. I placed my feet on his shoulders, and he stood up, allowing me to jump onto the edge and shimmy over.

I unlocked the door to let the two in. Leon gave me a nod as he walked through. "Looks like the right place." He said.

I paused, slowly looking at him. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

"We're meeting with Luis to help us whi–"

Leon was interrupted by Ashley, who cried out in pain while grabbing her head. "You okay?" Leon asked worriedly.

"I think so. Uh–" Ashley collapsed. I moved catching her in my arms. I staggered back still able to hold onto her trying to keep her upright.

"Instead of worrying about her, you should worry about your own skin!" Ashley ripped back, pulling the knife I had strapped to my body.

Once Ashley stood upright, I could see the black veins in her eyes and face appear. I sent a worried look to Leon, not noticing the swing of my knife Ashley took from me.

Leon's gloved hand caught the blade before it stabbed me. "Foolish little Lamb," she said ripping the knife back out of his hand.

I could hear him grunt when she did so. From the corner of my eye, I could see him shake his hand trying to ease the sharp pain.

Black Swan ~ LEON KENNEDYWhere stories live. Discover now