She went down to the kitchen and made herself some tea with honey and lemon, some toast and a banana. A long time ago she had read somewhere that bananas helped with period cramps. When she finished, she went back into the bathroom to get a blister pack of painkillers to put in her bag and her coat. She was almost out of them, she'd be going to the pharmacy before the end of that day.

Frida wasn't sure how she got to the studio safely by car. All the way from home, she had felt her arms tense and trembling on the steering wheel, feeling suddenly without strength. When she arrived at the parking lot outside the building, she slumped back in her seat when she felt the first signs of a headache hit her with the force of a stone being thrown at her skull. She rubbed her temple slowly, the first signs of nausea starting to get stronger.

She wished she had stopped at the supermarket that was on the street not far from there, to buy something useful at least for her upset stomach.

She reached out and took her bag, taking out the blister of painkillers and taking another one.

When she finally felt that she wasn't going to throw out everything she had eaten for breakfast, she grabbed her cell phone from the passenger seat and noticed that it had been almost half an hour since she had arrived there.


She hurried to get out. By the time she was on the second floor of the studio, she kept her head down, her mind focused on finding the recording room quickly and not ending up face down on the floor. The only thing she could think about was ending that day as quickly as possible and returning to bed in the tranquility of her home.


Frida jumped and raised her head suddenly, finding Björn in the corridor, smiling at her.

"Hey" Frida muttered and quickened her pace towards him.

"Woah, are you good?" he asked, frowning.

"Why are you asking?" Frida asked when she was in front of him.

"You're pale" he replied, placing his hand on her forehead.

"I don't have a fever. It's just... that time of year, you know?" she said, sighing.

Björn looked at her a few more moments and then nodded "Oh, okay. Got it. I swear I won't bother you even for a second today, then. I care about my balls" he told her, motioning to lock his lips and throw away the key.

Frida chuckled, probably the first and last smile of the day "Shut up, you" and she passed him, going inside.

At the door, she stopped abruptly when all the heads inside the room turned towards her. She still was unused to that.

"Hello, sorry for being late" she said and then quickly took off her coat and placed her bag on the sofa, with her back to the others.

"Morning" Agnetha told her from the couch where she was sitting, smiling and nibbling the first gum of the day.

"Hey, you" Frida smiled slightly and then opened her bag to look for her cell phone charger.

"Do you want a cup of coffee?" Agnetha asked, fixing an earring that didn't want to be in its place that day.

"Oh gosh, no way. It's been a blessing that I still haven't ran to the bathroom to throw up" she muttered, standing upright again and rubbing a hand over her face.

"What happened?" Agnetha asked, frowning.

"I don't feel so good" Frida shrugged and sank on the couch next to her.

"Why didn't you stay home?" Agnetha asked her, speaking softly so the others wouldn't hear.

Frida snorted "Are you serious? Did you want my head served on a silver platter?".

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