Police Officer: Do you know someone who could have done this?

Dante: No.

Police Officer: We will continue our investigation; please stay available in case we have more questions. We will also keep you update by the evolution of the case. Once again, sorry for your loss.

Dante nodded and kept an impassible face during his exchange with the policeman. He knew that his father would do his own investigation and after cutting the call with him, Dante had texted his younger brother, Enzo, to ask him to hack the CCTV of the hospital.

Few minutes later, the two mafia men arrived at the VIP floor. They immediately noticed the policemen, the sealed room and the shocked face of most of the medical staffs. 

Salvatore: Dante... what happened? How is Suki doing? (He came closer, and Dante gave her the little girl.)

Dante: We found her dead in her bed... she was stabbed... several times... it was... the kid saw everything... she was panicking, so I had to calm her...

Salvatore: (He held Suki tight.) How is that possible?

Dante: I have no idea; she was probably dead since long before we arrived. I asked Enzo to retrieve the CCTV. A nurse can help with her when she will wake up... It was really creepy inside.

Gabriel went near the room and when he was sure that no one looked at him, he entered inside. He needed to see everything by himself, and his brother was right, it was a carnage. He closed his eyes a minute by respect for the mother of his little sister. It was not fair... she was so young.

Gabriel promised himself to find who was responsible of that murder. Fumiko had a long life ahead of her, but someone decided otherwise. Why? What did that little woman do to deserve a painful death like that? Dante entered the room too.

Dante: The cops are not far... do you think that she tried to resist?

Gabriel: She has defensive wounds... and there is fingers marks around her mouth... she must have suffered a lot... Suki really saw all of this?

Dante: Yes... I took her out as soon as I understood the situation, but it was too late. Enzo must have found the CCTV now.

Gabriel: Thanks...

Dante: I didn't do anything.

Gabriel: You were there for her...

Dante: It doesn't change anything, the last image of her mother that she would have, is this one.

Taking the time to observe the scene, Dante felt even more furious. 

In the corridor, two bodyguards of Salvatore were waiting near the elevator. A police officer came to talk with the head of the family and Salvatore asked a lot of questions than the man in uniform couldn't answer. Gabriel and Dante were back and when Salvatore wanted to handed Suki to his son to see Fumiko, Gabriel stopped him. 

Gabriel: Father, it's useless to see her in that state. For now, Suki is the priority. She will need you more than anything...

Salvatore: Gabriel... I need to see her... so please, keep an eye on her for me... I won't be long. (He put Suki in Gabriel's arms.)

Dante: Why does he want to inflict this to himself?

Gabriel: Maybe to be able to understand her, to know how to deal with what she saw... to say goodbye to someone he had a daughter with...

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now