Looking away, I scoffed, an eye roll on my face. "Not as perfect now are you Rosemary?" My body jumped at the low voice behind me, as I involuntarily gripped the person's arm behind me and pushed them into the wall, a grunt coming from them. Looking up, I realized I had pinned Finnick Odair to the wall, who had a small confused frown on his face, his eyes darting at the firm grip I had on his neck, which was pushing him on the wall. Letting go quickly, I smoothed out the front of my dress, avoiding his eyes staring into my face. "Sorry for that Mr. Odair, one should know not to sneak up on women like that." Looking up with a shy smile, I groaned internally at the fact I sounded like a weak child. It made me want to gag in disgust.

I hate this little act. Just one more day.

She switched from her annoyed facade to her childlike and shy one. She fidgeted with her dress, fixating on the fact that she couldn't help but feel the weight of the Games closing in on her after the sudden fear she felt when Finiick surprised her like that. Suddenly, a hand lightly touched her shoulder, and she jumped in fright again, her heart racing, not out of fear but despair for FInnick to leave her alone. Looking up at Finick, meeting his eyes, he tilted his head in confusion but slowly smiled at her. "Sorry about that, Aurora. I didn't mean to startle you." Aurora took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. She knew that showing fear was part of her act, but she also didn't want to reveal her true feelings. "It's okay," she said, forcing a nervous chuckle. "I'm just a little on edge with the interviews and all." Finnick's eyes narrowed, and he leaned in closer.

I could feel his breath on my lips. It smelled like mint and his cologne.

I felt intoxicated and dizzy at the mere proximity.

"You know, Aurora, I've been watching you closely. I don't believe that innocent act for a second. You pushed me pretty hard just now. That doesn't seem like something an innocent girl would do." My cheeks flushed at his words, both flustered at how close he was and how angry his words made me. The cheers of the audience slowly tuned out of my hearing and all I could focus on was how close Finick was to me. "I... I panicked," I said, my voice quivering. "I didn't know who was behind me, and I just reacted." Finnick pulled away slightly, but he was still close enough that our chests were touching. Focusing on his neck, I could see the rope necklace hanging underneath the mesh black shirt he wore today. I reached up and touched the necklace before I could even process what I was doing, making Finnick go rigid and stiff. "You know Finick, I wonder if anyone would believe you if you told them I'm not this shy and innocent girl you don't think I am."

I stepped away from him, dropping the necklace, and looked up at Finnick, who had a shocked expression on his face, which was slowly turning into a cold glare. I only dropped the scared look on my face and let my normal face fall, a menacing smirk on my lips, my eyes glossing over into an innocent glance, but the smirk on my face made me look far more menacing. "I can smile for you in my cute little dress and act like the innocent girl they want for you, Mr. Odair. Isn't that what everyone wants?" His face morphed into a surprised look, which I quickly replaced my own with a scared and innocent one again, my mask on again. "Just who are you, Aurora Rosemary?" He let out a small whisper, making me tuck a hair behind my ear, looking over at a stagehand coming to get me for my interview. Slowly walking to the man in a bright wig and headset on, who shoved a mic into my hand, I glanced back at Odair, who stayed still looking at me in confusion, "I'm their worst nightmare Odair." I grinned madly at him, making him blink at me, as I turned back around and walked to the wings, next to the stage.

"And now our very last but certainly the most beautiful tribute this year, Aurora Rosemary from District 12!" The audience began screaming and cheering, as I looked on the stage, then quickly glanced at Haymitch and Effie who stood awkwardly looking at me. "No good luck for me?" Scoffing at the two, I walked out, a huge smile on my face, as I nervously walked up to Ceaser, who kissed my cheek, as the bright lights shined bright on my face. Slowly sitting on the couch, Caesar sat on his, as he flashed a smile in my direction clapped towards me, and held his microphone. "Now, you have proven to win our hearts already Aurora! Tell me, that dress is beautiful, who designed it?" He had a preppy smile on his face, too happy for my liking. Nonetheless, I smiled equally as bright back, as I ran a finger through the fluffy purple tulle of the short dress. "Oh it was my stylist Cinna, he is just the best really. Makes my dreams come true with the amount of frilly bows he has made me, along with the dress too!" The audience all began to softly clap, as a spotlight was put on Cinna, who blew me a kiss, making the audience aww at the gesture.

Stupid capital idiots.

Caesar placed a hand on one of my own, as he cooed at me, "Oh isn't she the cutest I mean look at her am I right?!" Everyone began to cheer in agreement, then Ceaser looked back at me, a serious look on his face, "Now everyone knows you got a low score in the trials, unlike your tribute Clay from your district. He said you weren't speaking to him, but he would protect you from anyone who dares touch his sister in all but blood, how does that make you feel?" My heart burned in fury at Ceaser's words, a twinkle in his stupid eyes, searching for anything to nail me on. I only sighed defeatedly and mustered up all the fake tears possible in my eyes. Sniffling, I glanced straight into the cameras, knowing everyone back and home, including my brother, and not to mention President Snow was watching my every move. "I just hope when the times come in the games, Clay gets home safely. My brother always said to choose kindness for others Ceaser," I let a small tear fall, as everyone in the audience went on a rampage screaming that it wasn't fair for me to be crying and a bunch of stupid nonsense on Clay protecting me. Caesar raised his hand, and put a hand back on one of mine, "Now Aurora you must not think that way, surely there is something you are fighting for. A loved one back home perhaps?" I wiped a few stray tears from my face, looking at him and the audience back and forth. I furrowed my brows in actual concentration, a small pout on my face, "I surely will miss the capital and all you wonderful people who have graced me with their love Ceaser. That is who I will have to push me to do my best in the games." Everyone cheered, as Ceaser and I stood up, a bell chiming on the stage. "Aurora Rosemary from District 12 everyone!" The cheers grew even louder when I left the stage, as I handed my mic to a crew hand and walked down to the backstage area, where Clay, Haymitch, Effie, and surprisingly Finnick all stood watching me come down the stage stairs.

Wiping the tear stains on my face, I let my smile fall and a pout replaced it, as Clay had a glare on his face, his arms crossed. "How did you do it?" His voice was far from nice, anger was clearly evident in his tone, as Effie placed an arm on him. Shoving her off, I slowed my step, as I came face to face from them all. "Angry I can play the capital game better Sandstone? Pity your little sibling comment was thrown out the window the moment I got on the stage. See you on the field tomorrow," I said softly and with a smile, the opposite of what I meant in my words. The others just stood and stared, except Odair who was smirking and had a clear amusement on his face. "And Finn dear, wipe the smirk off your face. You act as if you know me, yet you act surprised when a small 14-year-old can pin you to a wall." His face dropped and everyone snapped to look at him, as Haymitch could be seen smacking his arm.

Laughing softly as I left to the elevators to take back to the penthouse to my room, I could hear low murmurs and angry smacks from Effie to the boys.

I can't wait for the games tomorrow now.

Ice Cold Fire// F. OdairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora