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"You look familiar..." Junhui said, squinting his eyes at the person standing in front of him. His voice carried a mix of curiosity and disbelief as he tried to place the face before him. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, an awkward tension filling the space between them.

Minghao furrowed his brow, studying Junhui's features intently. He ran a hand through his hair, the gears in his mind turning as he attempted to unravel the mystery. The city's cacophony of sounds seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their bubble of uncertainty.

"So do you. Where do I know you from?" Minghao asked, his voice tinged with equal curiosity and a hint of disbelief. He squinted, his gaze locked on Junhui's face as if searching for a hidden clue.

A heavy silence descended upon them, filled with the weight of unspoken memories and unanswered questions. The passersby on the bustling city street continued their hurried journeys, unaware of the intense moment unfolding between these two men. It was as though time had stopped for them alone.

Their shared gaze remained locked, both men racking their brains for a connection. Time seemed to stand still as they delved into their past, searching for a missing puzzle piece that would complete the picture.

Then, it happened. Junhui's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, "jail!"

Minghao's eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and realization. It all came flooding back – the cold, gray walls, the echoing footsteps in the corridors, the clanging of cell doors. They had indeed met in prison. The memories, long buried, resurfaced like long-lost treasures, each one more vivid than the last.

Junhui had been incarcerated for a youthful indiscretion, a mistake he had paid for dearly. He remembered the solitude, the longing for freedom, and the determination to turn his life around once he was released. On the other hand, Minghao had been unjustly accused and had spent years fighting to clear his name. He recalled the countless hours spent poring over legal documents, the endless courtroom battles, and the unwavering hope that justice would prevail.

During their time behind bars, they had formed an unlikely bond, sharing their stories, hopes, and dreams as they navigated the harsh realities of prison life. They had been each other's confidants, offering support and camaraderie in a place where hope was often in short supply.

As the memories rushed back, they couldn't help but smile at the sheer absurdity of the situation. Both had served their sentences and were now leading entirely different lives. Junhui had turned his life around, working as a successful businessman, while Minghao had become a respected lawyer, determined to ensure that justice was served for others.

Their chance encounter on the bustling city street had brought them face to face once again, rekindling a bond that had been forged in adversity. The past was behind them, and they were no longer the same people who had shared a cell block. Yet, the familiarity they felt was a poignant reminder of the shared experiences that had shaped them.

Over a cup of coffee at a nearby café, they caught up on the years that had passed. They laughed about the creative ways they had found to pass the time in prison, the dreams they had shared, and how they had promised each other to make the most of their second chances. It was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the ability to overcome adversity, and the enduring power of friendship.

As they parted ways once more, this time as friends in the outside world.

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