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Junhui had been possessed by a demon for several days now. When he had first told his friends about it, they had simply stared at him in disbelief, thinking it was some kind of joke or elaborate prank. However, as the days passed and they realized that Junhui was serious, their disbelief turned into a strange mixture of fascination, concern, and curiosity.

They all gathered at their favorite cafe, the same one they had frequented for years, where they had shared countless laughs and secrets. But today, the atmosphere was different. It was charged with an eerie tension, and the demon's presence seemed to linger in the air.

Seungkwan, always the one to handle delicate matters with care, couldn't help but be intrigued. He leaned in closer to Junhui and asked, "Is he still there?"

Junhui took a sip of his coffee, his expression unreadable. "Yes, he is."

Chan, sitting next to Seungkwan, hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Is he... doing... anything?" He glanced around nervously, wondering if the demon might overhear their conversation, despite Junhui's assurance that it didn't want to control him.

Junhui leaned back in his chair, his gaze distant as he focused on the peculiar sensation in his chest. He could feel the demon's presence, a weighty emptiness, but it seemed oddly inert today. "No," he replied slowly. "He said from the beginning that he doesn't want to control me. He mentioned he just doesn't want to go back to hell. That's it."

His friends exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a mixture of emotions. Jisoo, always one to appreciate the extraordinary, broke the silence. "That's so crazy! Not everyone can say they have a demon inside them!"

Junhui raised an eyebrow, giving Jisoo a wry smile. "I'd gladly give him up to you! Even if he's not doing anything, the thought of having something inside me is just unsettling." He lowered his voice, mindful of the lingering ears of curious cafe patrons who had started to cast curious glances their way.

As their conversation continued, Junhui couldn't help but drift into his own thoughts, contemplating the uncertain future that lay ahead. The demon had been a part of him for days now, and remarkably, it hadn't made its presence known. In fact, if Junhui didn't know for certain that it was there, he might not have noticed or, under different circumstances, might have even forgotten.

But he couldn't forget. He couldn't stop thinking about the supernatural being residing within him. It had become an obsession, occupying his every waking moment. What puzzled Junhui the most was whether the demon would remain undetected. He could only hope that it wouldn't grow bored or change its mind about staying unnoticed.

As Junhui gazed out of the cafe window, his friends continued their discussion around him, unaware of the turmoil in his mind. The presence of the demon was a constant source of unease and curiosity, a riddle that consumed his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder how long this peculiar coexistence would last and whether the demon's intentions would remain as inscrutable as they were now.


Several days passed, during which the entity within Junhui continued to remain inconspicuous. In some moments over the past days, Junhui even dared to try and live his life as normal, attempting to forget the bizarre situation that had befallen him. Of course, that effort never lasted long. The persistent weight within him was a constant reminder. Yet, over time, it seemed to become somewhat more manageable, which was a relief.

Junhui realized that he couldn't put his life on hold indefinitely. He didn't know how long this supernatural presence would linger within him, nor did he have any idea if or how he could ever rid himself of it. Summer vacation was drawing to a close, and the final year of high school awaited him. Junhui couldn't simply stay home for the remainder of the year; he'd leaned that notion briefly, but it was impractical.

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