twenty-seven; first date

Start from the beginning

Nate, I would love to go on a date with you.

Relief washes over me like a warm shower. Thank the high heavens because I was seconds away from having a heart attack and never making a social appearance again.

Great, how about you come over to the house around 6ish and we can go from there?

Sounds good. What should we do?

It's a surprise, I've already planned it.

Milo is silent for a few seconds. You've already planned it?

Yeah. Of course, it's our first date. I wanted to make it special.

You sure know how to give me butterflies.

I'm grinning ear to ear, heat spreading across my face at his words in my head.

Right, I need to go because I've got things to do before you get here.

What should I wear?

Something comfortable, preferably warm.

Okay. I'll see you later.




I'm really, really looking forward to seeing you.

My heart pulsates rapidly in my chest. I'm really, really looking forward to seeing you too.

Viola helped me set up the truck and kitted it out with blankets, pillows and lots of snacks for our movie night. I removed the projector and the sheet from the loft and tried my hardest to get it to work with all the dust on it.

I quickly downloaded some movies to my laptop because we'll be far away from the WiFi. I pinned the sheet between two trees and backed the truck up for a perfect view before setting up the projector.

We hang the fairy lights together, putting them in the trees and along the side of the truck. Both of us step back and look at our handy work and I have to admit, it looks cute as fuck. Viola squeals at the end product.

"Oh my God, this is honestly incredible. I'm so damn jealous."

I let my smile linger on my lips. "It's pretty damn good, isn't it?"

My arm slings over my sister's shoulder as she presses her head into my chest. "Yeah, he's going to love it."

"Thanks for helping me set up. I really appreciate it."

She wraps her other arm around my stomach. "I'll do anything for you, Nate."

I kiss the top of her head and nod. "I'd do anything for you, too."

We retreat back to the house in time for Milo to arrive. He's dressed in an oversized jumper and some baggy bottoms, I'll never get over the way he dresses. So effortless but I still want him in my arms.

I give him a hug and I inhale his scent. He seems to do the same. It's more comforting than I remember.

We stay embraced for a few moments until I pull back, my hands slightly trembling at the fear of his reaction. "You ready?"

Milo's eyes glisten in my direction. "So ready."

"I need to blindfold you though."

His eyebrows raise. "Oh, really?"

"I don't want you to see the surprise before, I want you to see it all at once."

"Alright," he nods as I tie a scarf around his face and guide him safely outside.

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