"My, my, you're so emotional," Julian chuckled, but his lips were shaking too.

"It's my sister! They got Sarah and Sean and now, and now..." she cried.

"Shh, they're not that stupid, they won't get caught,"

Aren't they? Well, sure they aren't, but do they really care enough? What parents often do wrong, is that they automatically assume their child will agree with them in serious things like this one, but will they, really? Did you ask? Jospeh forgot. Almost every parent forgets.

"Y'know, let's just walk, not do anything else today," Erica suggested.

"Ye-y-yeah, go-go-gggood idea." Jessica nodded as she watched Alice run around.

"I think it's all bollocks, we can't do anything, and just getting caught and then dying from exhaustion a few days or weeks later sounds like a nice death, I want to experience something thrilling in my life."

"But isn't fifi-fi-fighting ti-ti-till the last dro-dro-drop of blo-blo-bleb-blood romantic a-a-aswell?"

"Too much effort."

Jessica nodded with agreement.

"Perhaps we can walk around like this until they find us,"

Jessica nodded again and hummed this time.

"I'll miss them all, my instruments, will you have anyone to miss?"

"O-o-of ccc-course," she was a little startled, but answered anyway.

"Who?" Erica smiled a little bit and blinked a few times.

Jessica was now startled even more, isn't it obvious? Of course she'll miss... Who? It's not like anyone will miss her... right?

Knock, knock knock. On the same door too many people with good intentions knocked on already.

"Somebody's knocking at the door," Julian threw his eyes wide open.

"Should I get it?" Rosa opened her eyes too and yawned.

"Nah, someone else downstairs will get it."

"Ah yes, fair." she shook her head and went back to her sort of sleep by shutting down her eyelids slowly.

"I'll get it," Cameron stood up, a little annoyrd, when the knocks didn't stop and threw the door open without thinking for a second.

"Wait-" Joseph tried to stop him before, but ended up gripping a fistful of the soft couch material.

"For fuck's sake." the one in the doorway hissed, just hissed, so the kids don't hear.

"That's the first time in forever I hear you swe- oh shit." Joseph stood up and slowly got to the door. Then he just stood there, startled.

"Oh shit oh shit," he kept repeating quietly, not believing his eyes.

"What do you need?" Cameron asked. His hand behind his back was shaking a lot, but for the rest he seemed fine.

"I am afraid we will have to confiscate your home for now thw govwrnmwnt takes t as is property. You have got five hours to pack all you need. Any questions?" the very familiar rubbish bin spoke in the very familiar voice.

"Yeah..." Cameron spoke unsurely. "What if I say no and shut the door in front of your unexistent face?" he smirked and blurted out with a heavier accent than usual.

"I believe that is not possible." it said proudly. Well, one could imagine that it said it proudly, a poorly done computer program can't be proud, because it's done poorly.

"Oh yeah?" Cameron's eyes widened and his accent grew stronger and stronger, partially because of stress and partially because of all the other emotion building up in the centre of his chest. He tried slamming the door with all force, but it threw open with the help of some sort of unexplainable wind. It slammed the wall behind it, which it never touched before. Both were speehless.

"You have got five hours." the sound got louder this time, but the quality worsened a lot.

"I... don't want to," Joseph pleaded very quietly, while pulling Cameron way back from the door and back into the living room.

"Aghh! No, I don't wanna be a failure, madre, I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" he wiggled away from his grip and yelled.

"What is it? What's going on?" Julian threw the bedroom door wide open and pratically fell downstairs, followed by Rosa. who was was trying to be much more careful.

"I see..." she spoke first and much more calmly.

"You didn't have to tear away from me that harshly, you could just ask to let go." Joseph spoke the words directly to Cameron, bitterly. "You can'be such a child and let emotions rule." he added.

Julian stared at the open door and the rubbish bin he's seen far too many times, while Rosa tried to understand what the hell is going on i the living room.

"Well, you can't be such a child either and take everything to heart, I'm wondering how you survived that long being so sensitive." Cameron, on the other hand, spoke loudly, evenly.

"Hey guys, could you stop spitting hurtful stuff at each other? We're trying to survive here." Rosa scoffed and crossed her arms.

"You've always been so clever," Joseph's voice sounded tired, weak, hopeless, and she heard it all. His hand was covering the most important spot, heart. Not letting the last chance slip in between the fingers, unknowingly. He let Hope's hand slip away.

At some point, he and Cameron started coughing, not saying anything, glaring at different corners of the room. Hope almost fell. It almost fell, because everyone, that were holding them, almost let go. Faith didn't even try to hold on for too long, and Love was barely holing her by her fingers. She tried so hard, cried for it, cried for Hope to hold on, but none of them had control over it.

"Am I supposed to put a band-aid on your oh so broken heart and fix it? Okay, I hurt you, but that was like thirty years ago! I'm losing you, Josie," Cameron managed to blurt out in between coughs, confusion's hot tears making their way down his cheeks. "In this dark void full of nothing, I can only see your hand trying to tear away against your own will,"

Joseph was shaking. His head was full of some junk, that was very irrelevant right now, but mostly, it was all that same void, somebody's very unsteady heartbeat and his that built-in voice actor, that's reading this for you right now. What were they saying again? And he couldn't talk, because of how much he was coughing, unable to squeeze any air into his lungs, long overfilled with worry. In between coughs, he was sobbing and he couldn't even hear Cameron's words that much. At this point, no one was considering what were the others doing anymore, everyone was choking on air. 

Joseph somehow stopped his train of thoughts for a second just to do the first and last things he could ever think about. Hope gasped and attempted to grab Love's hand stronger, tried harder than before.

"Just look how blue it is, nothing like mine or your eyes,"  Cameron said, almost whispered, while admirig the view of a sunny midday. 

"When you see the sky you get all poetic..." 

"Because I love its view so much, I guess, it's always changing colour, and no matter what, it's untouchable, y'know,"

"Love, do you hear me?! It's all blue, remember, it's all blue! Like the blue, blue sky, that always used to calm you do... down." he shouted to reach Cameron, but now, they all stopped coughing.

             The end

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