Chapter 4

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"What about you stop bothering your mind with these hurtful memories and actually focus on what's happening here today, Pepe?" Sarah slapped Joseph across his back back to make him wake up.

"But I can't just let them go! These memories are a part of me, even if they're nightmares, I won't be whole without them, I won't be me anymore!" he cried.

"The memories didn't make you whole. What made you whole were the people participating in them. And they're not here anymore, so you can forget them all." Sean tried to explain.

"I know, but I can't let them go either..."

"I know you can! Whoever they were, if they're not with you anymore, they're not important! And if they left, it's their loss anyway." Sarah tried to cheer Joseph up.

"It's your good memory that doesn't let you forget almost anything, isn't it?"

"I wish I could just forget it."

And he forgot, after all those years. Like nothing happened at all. But one single thing made him remember everything again, even more clearly than before. His subconciousness prepared an unpleasant suprise. It remembered everything much better than Joseph himself.

"Don't say that, be grateful that you don't ever forget to buy shampoo." Sarah waved her finger.

"Is the shampoo really worth it?"

Sarah slowly closed her mouth. She knew it wasn't, but didn't know what to do to finally make Joseph laugh.

"I'll take Alice on a walk." he said and just walked out of the room taking the dog with him.

Meanwhile Rosa and Julian were having a lovely conversation in her and  room.

"Where do you live and how old are you anyway?" she asked him, lying on the bed on her back.

"Nine. And I live in the city." he answered. Before Rosa thought about saying anything, he continued. "And y'know what? I don't want to live in the city anymore, the buildings, they're all office buildings! Almost no people are walking down the street, cafés are closing and people just work and work all day."

"Uh-oh..." Rosa felt really dissapointed, getting the sudden urge to grab Julian, stoll into the city and yell at the government. "What about your dad?" she asked, in the end.

"He's a proffessional artist, they didn't take him... yet." Julian was genuinely worried. He frowned and glared down at his clasped hands, leaving Rosa worried, too.

"They won't take him away from you that easily, will they?" she tried to reassure him, placing a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up.

"They won't, that's right. But they will try to take away your dad and his friends, too. Even me and you, when we grow up." 

Now, Rosa was worried sick. This must be a very, very bad joke. The new government? Taking away people to make them all office workers? These tired, all simmilar people in suits? If it's true, then pencils have a secret connection to plates, which listen to us while we sleep. 

"Show me. Show me the office buildings. Show me the new government, Jules." They'll take away her dad- they can't! He's a very talented musician! Then Jessie. And they definitely can't take her, she wouldn't survive a day in there! Then Erica, then her and Julian.

"Are you sure it's safe, Rosa?" Julian shook his head a little.

"What if I say I don't believe you?" Rosa insisted.

"Let's go. Right now." he firmly grabbed her shoulder and got up along with her.

"I'm just gonna take a bottle of water with me, eh?" she strolled into the kitchen, leaving Julian to wait in the doorway.

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