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(In case you're confused, I copy/pasted the epilogue from the last part of this series, called Meant to Be. You can find it in my published list :)

Five years after Seungmin's departure~

Wrapped up in his scarf and parka, Han watched as his boyfriend finished up that day's last class. The sweat dripped down Lee Know's face as he instructed his most advanced class to practice well for the next lesson, then he dismissed them and they packed up to go home.

"Are you ready yet?" Han asked, handing Lee Know a towel to wipe his sweat off with.

Lee Know shook his head as he answered, "I still need to lock up the rooms and check the office, but it'll only take ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you in the lobby, then. Hurry, because you still need to take a shower before we meet up with the others."

"All right, it won't be long." Lee Know got his keys and went to lock up the building.

As Han sat facing the big glass window in the lobby of Lee Know's dance studio, he watched as the clouds outside slowly gathered.

"Is it gonna snow? That would be beautiful..." he muttered to himself, pulling his coat around him tighter. "I could write a song about that, maybe."

His mind was constantly full of ideas for music, which was what had helped him get the song-writing job he had now. And Han loved his job; he could work from home, which was really nice, and it was flexible so he could spend a lot of time with his boyfriend.

Han was dreaming about winter falling when Lee Know came back to the lobby.

"I'm ready, jagi. You got everything?" he asked, taking his bag from the front desk. Han nodded, grabbing Lee Know's hand, and they stepped out into the winter air.

"When were we supposed to meet them?" Lee Know asked, shivering. He hadn't changed yet so he was still wearing his short sleeves from earlier.

"In an hour and a half. I told Channie-hyung that you had to teach today so he made sure to give you plenty of time to get ready."

"Thank God for Channie-hyung. He's always so reliable. How's the company's going?"

"Well, he was pretty optimistic in the last meeting." Han's job was under Chan's entertainment company, which he'd formed a few years ago. He'd offered Han a management position, but the young songwriter had declined because he knew he wouldn't be able to handle the pressure. But unofficially, Han was still in a very important position; he, Chan, and Changbin met together every week to discuss how the company was doing, suggest new ideas, and work on new songs.

"Well, that sounds good. Let me know if I can help."

"Of course! You know that Channie-hyung values your advice a lot," Han told him as they continued walking back to their apartment, hand in hand, as the snow began to fall from the sky.


Meanwhile, Felix was hurriedly cleaning up his and Changbin's apartment.

"Baby, what are you doing? We're about to go out to eat," asked Changbin, taking his coat off. He'd just come back from the company, staying a little later to finish up some work.

"Bang Chan-hyung didn't tell you? He decided to cancel the reservation because it's supposed to snow, so he asked me if we could host the reunion! Of course I said yes, but then I remembered that the apartment is a mess," he groaned, shoving some of his clothes into the closet.

"I'm sure they won't care, Lix. What are we going to eat though?" Changbin answered.

"Well, hyung said he'd pick up the restaurant food and bring it over."

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