♡ Chapter One ♡

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Jeongin ran to catch up with his friends Hyunjin and Felix, who were laughing together about something. Well, at least Felix was. Hyunjin looked embarrassed.

"Hey guys, what is it?" asked Jeongin. Felix turned around to look at him and smirked.

"It's nothing, really," muttered Hyunjin. Jeongin's not a nagging person so he didn't ask more.

The three of them walked in silence toward the soccer fields because Hyunjin had a game.

"I'm sure you'll do great, Hyunjin-hyung!" cheered Jeongin, trying to lift the mood. Hyunjin smiled at Jeongin but only with his mouth.

"Something bothering you, Hyunjin?" asked Felix innocently. Jeongin noticed that Hyunjin glared at Felix for some reason but he doesn't know why.

Hyunjin scowled and shook his head "no" so Jeongin shushed Felix before he could say anymore. He'll just ask Hyunjin later.

Since Hyunjin went to join his team, Felix and Jeongin decided to sit together near the front so Hyunjin could see them while he played.

When they were waiting, Jeongin asked Felix what he and Hyunjin were talking about earlier.

"Well... I'm not sure Hyunjin wants me to tell you," Felix replied.

"Why not? Aren't we all best friends?" asked Jeongin, a little hurt.

Felix patted Innie's hand. "He'll tell you soon enough, don't worry!"

Then he turned to the field. "Hey, there's Hyunjin! Doesn't he look so hot?"

Hot?! What was Felix talking about? Was he out of his mind?

"Felix, are you okay?" asked Jeongin with some concern. Felix didn't usually talk like that, why did he now?

Felix replied by laughing unnaturally so Jeongin was scared. "Really, Yongbok-hyung, what is it?" he asked again, but the game started so Felix got away with it.

Jeongin eyed Felix for a few seconds but decided to focus on Hyunjin, who tripped on the ball two minutes into the game.

Honestly, Hyunjin is kinda clumsy, Jeongin's not sure why he decided to play soccer. But he enjoys it so Felix and Jeongin supported him when he said he was joining one of those just-for-fun leagues. And because they're his best friends, they decided to ditch their usual Thursday afternoon to watch Hyunjin embarrass them.

After Hyunjin accidentally lost the ball for the third time, Felix had to sigh. "He's so bad..."

Jeongin had to agree with him.


"Guys, wanna go to my house to study?" asked Hyunjin after the game. Because "study" usually meant "hang out," both of them said "yes" so they look the bus to get there.

Jeongin fumbled with his phone to pay and Hyunjin noticed so he paid the bus fare for him. For some reason Felix commented "wow, how sweet of you Hyunjin" in a teasing voice and Hyunjin glared at him again. Jeongin wondered why Felix was acting so weird today. He wouldn't stop giggling about something.

After they got to Hyunjin's house, they went upstairs to his bedroom like they usually did. Felix immediately claimed the desk chair so Hyunjin and Jeongin sat side-by-side on the bed. This time Felix couldn't help it, he gushed, "You two are so cute together!"

Jeongin just laughed it off because he thought Felix was just joking but Hyunjin pounced on Felix. "Shut up, chicken," he growled, giving him a warning look. Then he muttered something only Felix could hear: "Stop being so obvious."


"Hyunjin, why don't you just tell him?" asked Felix, playing with the keychain on his phone. Jeongin had gone home already so the two of them were left alone.

"I can't..." Hyunjin sighed, falling back onto his bed.

"Why not though? I think he'd do it, I mean, I don't think he'd reject you," reasoned Felix, but Hyunjin shook his head.

"We've been friends for so long, he'll think it's weird that I suddenly have feelings for him."

"No he won't, doesn't it happen all the time?"

"What do you mean, 'all the time'? What kind of experience do you have?" asked Hyunjin skeptically. As far as he knew, Felix has been single his whole life.

"None. But the kdramas always make it work out."

"Kdramas are made up! There's no way those storylines happen in real life. Plus, Jeongin obviously doesn't think the same way."

"How do you know? Jeongin's good at not showing his feelings."

"Just... I'll do it when I want, okay? Don't hint at anything more or else." He sat up and glared at Felix.

"I'll try not to, but I really want to see you get together," sighed Felix. But he decided to keep quiet.

Later Hyunjin wondered if he really should have trusted Felix with something like this...


"Hey Hyunjin, we can just all go together but I'll leave early so you can be alone with Jeongin!" Felix bubbled as they waited for the light to change. They were on their way to the mall to shop together but Felix was trying to change it into a date.

"No, it's fine, the three of us can have fun together too," protested Hyunjin, but Felix shook his head.

"I don't wanna be third-wheeling you guys."

"You won't be third-wheeling because we're not even a couple!"

"Well if you would just confess then you would be," Felix pouted. Ever since Hyunjin told him about his crush on Jeongin, Felix wouldn't stop bothering him about it.

"I'll do it in time, okay?"

Felix sighed. "Well, just hurry up. It's like my life's dream, to see you two fall in love and be happy together."

Hyunjin snorted. "Your life's dream?!"

The sign changed so Felix started walking across the street.

Hyunjin would never forget what happened next.

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