"What are you doing?" I asked him, carrying on walking.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? You're walking around the woods at night after that chase and you almost blew me to bits!" He shouted annoyed.

I could hear him follow me as he carried on. "Are you hiding anything too? Do you have a secret you haven't told us? Are you... a witch-witch?"

That last question made me freeze, I spun around to him, the anger visible on my face. "What do you mean by 'Witch-witch'?"

Once he realised what he'd said, he stood still and stayed silent. "Well?" "We-Well, I mean...are y-you a...bad..witch?"

The words he told me days ago recalled in my mind, "There's no need to act ashamed, in fact, we actually admire you a bit. We think you're amazing"  I just shook my head and scoffed.

"Everyone's the same. You tell people one thing about your life and it affects the way they view you. Doesn't matter if it's good, they'll just see the bad in it and shame you for that one thing, that's why people have secrets, you become so ashamed of who you are that you become embarrassed of yourself. But you know all about secrets don't you? Merlin from the F Seven."

Merlin's eyes widened, and his mouth dropped as his eyes stopped blinking. "You know about our curse?" "I just figured it out then. Are you really going to have a go at me and Snow when you and the others did the same thing? So tell me, since everything else is out, what the curse?"

He sighed, "The Fairy Princess cursed us to be dwarfs whenever people looked at us." The Fairy Princess, haven't spoken to her in ages. "And to break it?" "We, um, have to kiss the most beautiful girl on the island."

The final piece of the puzzle was now placed on the table. "So that's what you meant back on the cliff. You only kissed me so because you thought it would make you 'famous, handsome and popular'. You also thought that Red Shoes could help as well, that's why you looked disappointed when you found out she was Snow White."

He quickly shook his head, "No, no I meant it Y/N, I do think you're the most beautiful woman I've met. And yes I lied to you about us being us but would you have stayed if we told you, that the island's best and bravest heroes were now short green creatures?"

"Yes, because I don't see people as they appear, I don't judge them by how they look, only how they act. What were you thinking when Snow asked if you would've helped her if you saw the actual Snow White instead of Red Shoes?"

Just like before, he stayed silent. I couldn't believe that the man that was standing in front of me was the same man who did all those amazing things for Snow and me. But now I'm only realising he did it because of his curse.

I tossed the twigs I had to him. He caught a few whilst letting some drop. "You can finish looking for wood. I'm going back." I muttered, tears threatening to leave my (y/e/c) eyes. Walking back to Snow, I left Merlin there, who stood still, not knowing that he too had tears in his brown eyes.


Merlin's pov:

I watched as the (y/h/c) girl walked back out of the forest. I could feel my eyes starting to water, I felt awful. Stepping deeper into the forest, I continued looking for sticks to put in the fire.

Kneeling to grab a stick, something came to my mind, "What would've happened if Y/N had told me about the shoes yesterday at the field?" I asked myself. "You think that's important?" A voice asked me back. My voice to be exact.

I looked beside me and saw dwarf me glaring at me while holding a stick. Not the weirdest thing I've seen today. Standing back up I started to talk with him, "I just wonder, what I would've done if I'd known that Red was Snow White."

The Good Witch (Merlin x reader)Where stories live. Discover now