Chapter 2

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this chapter, you'll get more dialog for ricky, and that's about it. enjoy <3333

Ricky's pov:

I just woke up, man I'm tired. Sure, I've gotten used to waking up at 4:00 am but that doesn't mean I won't be tired when I do. I had the healthiest breakfast I could make and then I went on my run. I took a different route today, and I bumped into someone.

"Ricky??!" Noelle shouted. "Noelle?!! What the hell are you doing out here?!" I shouted back. "I should be asking you the same question. I'm heading to work. Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going on my morning run." I responded. "Well I'm off, if I don't get to work on time today, I'm probably gonna get fired... again." Noelle said quietly. "Noelle, how many times are you going to get fired??" I said annoyed. "Uhh, I don't know. Oh well I'm off. Bye Ricky!!!" She screamed while walking away.

"Does she really work 19 hours straight?" I thought to myself. Oh well, that's not important. I need to keep running.

Time skip

Chadwick's pov:

I woke up, feeling drained from the party I went to last night. All I could think about is Khloe, the shorty who hates me so much for no reason. I don't know what I did to her, but it had to be something to make her hate me. That's besides the point, I need to get ready so I won't be late for work. My boss is a bitch, she takes things way to seriously (no duh you work at a hospital 💀).

Time skip

(still) Chadwick's pov:

It's the end of the day, and I'm hanging out with Alejandro, when I see her. Her hair is so long and beautiful, even Alejandro was simping over her. I went to say say but she beat me, and said "Fuck off bitches" while flipping us off.

"Why does she hate us so much?" Alejandro asked me. "I wouldn't know, that's just a girl's nature. Hating someone for no reason." I responded. "You sure? I thought you were smart." Alejandro shot back at me. "What do you mean, I am!" I said. "So you mean to tell me that your fatass got into college and became a literal a nurse, but make the assumption that girl hates you for zero reasons?" He asked me annoyed. "Uhh yeah?" I said unsure. "You're actually stupid." He said while walking off. "Fuck you!" I screamed back. "You too." He said, quiet but loud enough for me to hear.

Time skip

Ricky's pov:

I just got home, my girlfriend running and hugging when I step inside.

"Ricky!! You were gone for so long!!" She complained. "I'm sorry, practice was long today, but now I'm home." I replied. "What do you want for dinner? I'll cook something for the both of us." She said back. "It's fine, we can just order something." I replied. "No. You're going to give me so something you wanna eat so I can cook, you hear me?" She said sternly, while towering over me. "O-Ok. Can you make us some quesadillas??" I said scared. "Of course honey!" She said back in her natural happy voice.

Good lord, women are weird.

A/N: here is chapter 2 for u. the only reason why i uploaded 2 chapters in 1 day is because it's the weekend and i have nothing to do. but yeah that's basically. there's a 50% chance i upload chapter 3 today, but yeah. have a great day/afternoon/night yall. byeeeee <333333
Word Count (not including this): 602

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