Chapter 1 : Left Behind

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I realise that I zoned out a little while UN was giving his speech. I'm sitting on the same table with some countries that I can recognise.

We each all had our own assigned seats. UN said the purpose of him doing this is because he noticed that most countries only hang out with their own groups or cliques and he wanted for every country to get along.

"As if." I thought to myself.

I didn't really talk to anyone on my table, I wasn't exactly the best at socialising. I glanced over where Philippines is and saw him talking to many countries at once at his table. He gets along with most countries. Must be nice..

I then turned my head where Indonesia was, he made his whole table laugh at his jokes. Typical, He's pretty known to be the funny one in our group 'Maphilindo'.


After UN finished everyone gets up and goes to start a conversation with eachother or grab some food from the buffet.

"Yo Mal!" Indonesia makes hand movements to come towards him and Philippines. "Hey Indo, Phil."

"Hey man, did you make any new friends on your table?" Indonesia sits down and takes a bite of his food. Me and Philippines sat down too right after.

"Nope." I said blandly.

"Oh, Sorry to hear that Mal" Says Philippines.

"It's alright"

I actually never wanted to be here in the first place but since it was supposed to be a formal thing for the school- AHEM. i meant, institution, it was encouraged for everyone to attend this event.

UN went on about making a world a better place for all of humanity. Keeping peace with one another and how not everything has to get physical. He says that he has intended to help countries to resolve their problems by deploying peacekeepers and....blablablah! Yeah, yeah. Peacekeeping...

Sometimes I see UN as a huge hypocrite, but his tactics does work I can't really say much.

I look around and saw Britain and France walking away from the crowd into a hallway.


and there I was, standing infront of a huge window, admiring the night sky. You could see atleast half of the city from up here!

"Would you like a glass of wine sir?" A butler asked me, I lightly decline the offer and off the butler went with his sliver platter.

I don't drink alcohol, never did and never will.

Actually I did, once. It was when I still lived with Asean.

I look up as if a cloud manifested on top of my head which then brought me back to an old, blurry memory that I can't quite recall. It's like putting together a puzzle but some puzzle pieces are missing and you can't find them.



I was a teenager..actually, yes but no. I was a pre-teen. The only teenagers were Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand..or was it Vietnam? Ahh, doesn't matter.

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