The arrival from the future

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The year was 1976 and the first Hogwarts feast of the year was in full bloom. At the Gryffindor table a group of boys were seen laughing loudly; these young men were Remus Lupin - who was glancing lovingly at Slytherin table- James Potter - who had the idea that Lily Evans was giving him heart eyes - Peter Pettigrew - the runt of the group - and Sirius Black - who had been trying to hide his affections for a certain red head beauty. Over at the Slytherins table there were a group of three who were gossiping about there shitty parents and new loves.

"She is gorgeous, is she not?" Stated Barty Crouch jr who was nervously staring at a bold Gryffindor.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Pandora Lovegood spoke up in a soft musical voice.

"Because she has taste and would never go for him." The sarcastic reply came from Regulus Black who earned a glare for both of his friends.

"Shut it Black." Snared Barty but the boy still licked his lips a nervous habit he had picked up over the years of his fathers beatings and disapproval.

The doors at brown open and the hall went silent as fast as a match being blown out. In walked the Blacks Walburga and Orion - both of whom looked like they had smoke blocking there ear ways - Ted and Andy Tonks stood proud next to a young child with purple hair who only went by her family Tonks - Bellatrix and Narcissa both sneered at there sister one was disgust and the other with disappointment.

Dumbledore stood "Hello, may I ask what it is you are doing here?"

"A letter showed up in mid air, it claimed to be from the future and begged us to come to Hogwarts and watch the life's of our future family." Andy spoke firm but held a kind glint in her eyes.

"I have not been informed of any future memories." Dumbledore stated confused but before anything could go further a poof of smoke clouded the front of the hall and there stood a young woman and a screen was lit up behind her.

"She is beautiful" was Regulus first thought.

"We're the hell am I!" The girl demanded, "and we're is my brother!"

"Hi mum." A voice spoke behind the woman and as heads turned they saw a similar looking girl on screen but her eyes were different...they were grey.

"I understand you are all confused but my name is Ada Black, I'm from the future and well were giving you the chance to change it before it becomes the shit show it is. A few of you girlys got knocked up and so while I'm the daughter of Tabitha and Regulus Black, there is also My cousin Thomas Black who is the son of Sirius and Lily Black, Minho McKinnon son of Barty and Marlene McKinnon and... (she whispered the name with glassy eyes) Newt Lupin the son of Pandora Lovegood and Remus Lupin. Enjoy the hell of the future world.

All hell broke lose, James started yelling at his so called best friend as Lily was blushing like crazy, Marlene stared at Barty as if wondering what the hell she was thinking, Remus smiled to himself but held fear in his eyes wondering if his son carried his gene, Tabitha was frozen in place while Regulus panic about being a father as Pandora and Andy tried to calm him down.

"Who the hell is Regulus!" Tabithas voice snapped over the noise.

"He is." Sirius point to his brother who shot his a look of anger.

"H-hi" he stuttered.

"Dear lord." Tabitha groaned but the scream began before she could start getting angrier.

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