Chapter 8

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Jennie was chilling on the couch, eating dumplings and gimbap while watching 'The Kardashians'. She just couldn't get enough of the drama!

Suddenly, her phone called. Must be my mom, she thought.

However, when she looked to see who was calling, the display, to her surprise, was 'Tae'.

"Oh!" she exclaimed.

Quickly, she paused the TV and answered the phone call.


"Hi Jen!"

"Hey Tae, do you need anything?"

The line was quiet for a bit.

"School prom is coming up," he finally said.

Jennie nodded, but that was stupid, because Taehyung wouldn't see her doing it anyway.

"Yeah, so?"

"Do you have anyone to go with?"

"No, I used to go with Kai, but..."

"Kai? Who's that?"

Jennie bit her lip and thought about it for a little while. There hadn't been anything between her and Kai, right?

"He was just a boy with parents that were friends with my parents."

"Oh, okay! Why don't you go to prom together anymore?"

"Well, he started dating a girl a year younger, I think her name was Krystal."

"Okay, but I got a question."

"You've asked me several questions, but what's your question now?"

"Who will you be going with this time?"

"I'm not going."

"But Lisa is going..."

"Lisa? How do you know that?"


"Tae, who is Lisa going with?"



"Yeah, but..."

"Oh my god! I need to go, but I have nobody to go with, that's so sa-"

"Jennie! Listen to me!"

"Huh, oh yes Taehyung?"

"Go to prom with me."


"We'll go, as friends."

"Oh, well.. sure! I don't see why we can't! I really want to see Lisa and Jungkook!"

"Yeah, we will also figure out who the best dancer is!"

"Haha, yeah. By the way, when's prom?"

"On Friday, 7:30 PM, you know where right?"

"Yeah, of course!"

They said their goodbyes and Jennie hung up.

She was looking forward to prom, maybe she could go shopping with the girls tomorrow and look for dresses.

Taehyung put his phone on the table and sat back and relaxed.

"How'd it go?" Jungkook asked.

"How'd what go?"

"Um... you asked Jennie to the prom!"

"Yeah, it went well, of course. We're friends!"

"Friends, my foot," Jungkook muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Jungkook responded and threw a bag of cheese balls to Taehyung.

Taehyung caught it with no effort.

Jungkook let out a whistle, he himself had a bag of butter popcorn.

The both of them opened their bag, Jungkook threw a popcorn in the air and caught it with his mouth.

"So, hyung, be completely honest with me, do you like Jennie?" he asked.

Taehyung sighed.

"We've already had this conversation. I like her as a friend."

Jungkook wasn't convinced.

"I'm your friend, I won't tell any of the other dudes, I promise."

"You can tell them I like her as a friend, because that's the only truth!"

"Okey dokey, whatever you say."

But, Jungkook secretly thought to himself,

I'm rooting for you and her, hyung.

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