Chapter 9

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"Ooh, this dress looks so beautiful!" Lisa exclaimed, when she saw a yellow dress.

"Wow, this would definitely suit you well, Lili!" Rosé said.

Jennie was admiring a red dress. She had heard that red was an intimidating color and that it made you look attractive.

"Jennie, you've been eyeing that dress for minutes now, maybe you should try it," Jisoo said.

Jennie agreed.

She took the red dress and went into one of the changing rooms, she took off her original clothes and put on the red dress.

The sight in the mirror shocked her. The dress complimented her body shape really well and she looked hot in it.

Jisoo was outside the changing room.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"No," Jennie answered.

Jisoo let out a disappointed sigh.

"I actually love it," Jennie stated.

Jisoo let out another sigh, this was a sigh of relief.

Jennie took off the dress and put on her original clothes again, she exited the changing room.

"I've made my mind, I'm buying it, how much does this cost?" she asked Jisoo.

"Hm... oh! It costs 150,000 won!"

"I'll get it," Jennie said.

Jisoo had also chosen a dress, it was a dark green dress and it would definitely suit her!

Lisa and Rosé still hadn't made up their minds, so the two girls went to them.

"Ughhhh! I can't choose, they're all so beautiful!" Rosé groaned.

Jisoo laughed. "Just choose one that maybe compliments your body shape or that it matches with your hair, eyes or other features."

Lisa nodded, "you're right!"

Lisa cleared her voice.

"Who are you going to prom with, guys?"

Jennie pretended to be distracted by a white dress.

Jisoo blushed, "well, I'm going with Bohyun..."

Lisa and Rosé squealed, Jennie let out a happy sound while she pretended to be amazed by the dress's design.

Rosé looked down and moved away a strand of hair from her face, "You know that really pretty girl in class, her name is Suzy, I'm going with her..."

Jisoo and Lisa jumped up in the air, Jennie was checking the tag of the dress without even really reading it.

Lisa cleared her voice, "okay, I'm going with Jungkook!"

Jisoo gasped, Rosé applauded.

"You've had a crush on him for years, Lili!" Rosé burst out.

Lisa squealed.

"I know! I'm really excited!"

The girls turned to Jennie.

"Jen, who are you going with?" Rosé asked her.


The girls were waiting for an answer from Jennie.

"I... I'm going with..."

Jisoo sighed.

"Alright, you're going with Taehyung, we know, you can admit it!"

Jennie looked away from them.

Suddenly, all three of her friends started laughing.

"Come on, Jendeuk! You can't hide it!"

"We knew from the start that he'd ask you to the prom!"

Jennie smiled at them.

"Let's go get something to eat," she said.

Lisa jumped up in the air out of happiness.

"Hooray! Finally, I'm starving!"

The friend group paid for their dresses and exited the store with one bag each.

"What should we eat?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm craving Thai food," Rosé said.

Everybody agreed on getting Thai food and they went to a Thai restaurant.

The place wasn't too crowded, so it was great and the girls could just relax.

As soon as they chose a table to sit down at, a waitress came up to them.

"May I help you with your order?"

"Yes, please," Lisa said.

"What would you like to order?" the waitress asked.

"I'll have Pad Thai," Lisa said.

"Tom Yum Goong for me," Rosé ordered.

Jennie thought for a little, then finally chose gaeng daeng.

"I'll just have a Som Tam, thanks," Jisoo said.

"Any drinks?"

The girls decided to all get lemonade.

"Will be coming right up!"

The waitress walked away from their table and the girls started chatting about all sorts of topics, new movies, new music, the drama in school and more.

Suddenly, they were interrupted by a male voice.

"Well, well, look who we've got here..."

|| who do you think the male voice belongs to? and why do you think he's here in the restaurant? ||

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