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The black-haired villain stood in front of the mansion, staring thoughtfully at the sky, holding a half-smoked cigarette between his fingers. He took another sip in silence and continued to stare at the sky, which was a strange purple color and flickering mysteriously, it had been like this for several days. It worried people, and so did he. No one knew how she got here or what caused her... but so far she looked harmless, disturbingly harmless.

For the last few days, there was nothing else to talk about but the strangeness in the sky. Even the league went quiet for those few days.

And what they heard  from the Hawks, the heroes also had no information about the details in the sky. His thoughts suddenly came to the winged hero, it had been a few weeks since he finally joined the league and started visiting their headquarters in the forest. In the beginning, he was only in contact with Dabi, but in the end the league took him. The black-haired villain spent a lot of time with the hero, but still did not trust him. However, as long as he didn't interfere with his plans, he had no reason to be more interested in him... . And besides, he was a good fucking partner, it would be a shame let him go.

He snorted quietly and threw the cigarette to the ground.

He silently turned and walked inside the mansion. He closed the door behind him and looked around the empty place.. all the members were shut up in their rooms and sleep.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and a wall broke through just a short distance from him. He instinctively jumped to his side and activated his quirk. What the fuck was that!? That the heroes were attacking them? Did they find their hiding place? We're they betrayed by Hawks?

It took a while for the dust to settle and when his senses return to their original state.

He stared at the pile of broken wall, and at that moment he realized that a body was lying in the ruins not far from him. Two pairs of wings came from the back of body. In that realization, his heart beat fast.

He immediately moved from the place and reached the lifeless body, there was blood and a lot of debris everywhere.. but when he looked carefully he noticed a strange blue glass between the walls, but it was nowhere in reach.

"What the fuck is going on?" he heard Shigaraki's voice behind him, as well as several other familiar voices.

But Dabi didn't notice them.. he grabbed the man with red wings and turned him to face him so he could make sure he was alive. But looking at his face, he was shocked.

"What the.." muttered Shigaraki who was standing next to Dabi..

"Hawks?" Twice spoke softly to the man.

The man twitched slightly and raised his eyebrows, he was alive. His blond hair was tied up in a small ponytail. The man had a long scar stretching from his right eye to his lip... at first glance it was not immediately recognizable. He still had lines on his eyes, but a strange black tattoo had been added that stretched from the right end of his eyebrow, across his cheek, to his neck and stuck somewhere behind his clothes. He looked like the Hawks, but something was off about him.

"This isn't Hawks," Shigaraki spoke after a moment.

"Then..." Toga began but Shigaraki interrupted her.

"Tie him up"


His head buzzed unpleasantly and his whole body ached.

What has happened?

The last thing he remembered was how he was fighting, and the subsequent crash into the white building.. then it was as if his world shattered into millions of atoms.

He cautiously opened his eyes.. and the first thing he saw was the red eyes of the white-haired man standing in front of him. The man was familiar to him, but could not place him anywhere.

"What" he mumbled and tried to move but his hands and feet were bound and he had some strange crit on his back. He frowned and looked around the room realizing the presence of others three people. A man in a mask with a hat on his head, a black-haired man with purple scars and..

"Who are you?" the man with red eyes spoke to him.

"Himiko Toga" he muttered while everyone turned to the addressed blonde-haired girl. She flinched slightly and took a step further. He furrowed his eyebrows again and stared at the tubes that were coming from his hands. He laughed quietly.. but then a black-haired man approached him and put his hand on the chair by his head.

"He asked you something!" the winged man raised his golden eyes to him, and only at that moment did Dabi realize that his right eye did not have such a distinct color, was he blind in one eye?

"Hah, it worked" he smiled and lowered his head to the ground spitting out blood.

,, Talk! Just one touch and I'll turn you into dust!" Shigaraki scowled and stood up to Dabi who let go of the chair and stepped away from them.

"Dust" man looked up at Shigaraki and got a better look at his face.

"Fuck.. Tenko" Shigaraki's face turned into shock and he shot up nervously. How.. how does he know his name.

"How..." the bound man interrupted him.

"I'm from another alternate universe. In my world you are a hero and Toga is a student at UA. I won't invite you two.. the fuck succeeded" when he finished, he laughed quietly and turned his head to the side.

"Someone call for Hawks" Shigaraki said as Mr. Compress turned and left the place.

"Hawks? Like Hawk? You mean me, from your universe" Dabi frowned slightly and kept his eyes on the winged man.

"Alternative Universe?"

"That's right... a few days ago a very powerful person entered your world. The league from my world sent me for her"

Dabi didn't know what to make of this situation, but for some reason he trusted this mysterious man.

"How do we know you're not lying to us?" Shigaraki asked him.

"I swear.." but his words were lost somewhere in the atmosphere. His facial expression changed.. Dabi wanted to speak to him but the man sitting in front of him overtook him. "He.. he followed me" he muttered and looked behind him. "You have to let me go.. immediately" he said looking at Shigaraki.

"Why? You are the enemy"

"I am not your enemy.. I.. he followed me. Unless you let me go, everything here will end in flames, supernaturally hot flames" after his words Dabi's heart stopped for a moment and his breathing quickened.

"What are you talking about?"


Shigaraki nodded after a while and started to let the man go. But Dabi continued to stand there trying to calm himself down.

However, the moment the winged man stood up from his chair, the wall behind him flew apart and blue flames filled the entire room.

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