Day 26: October 1st 2023

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hi anyone that is still here, a lot has happened, things i don't even remember because i haven't written in here in like a year and that's a lot of tea to spill, therefore my brain can't do that lmao, anyways i just want to say that i've changed and mature a lot over the past 3ish years and i hope that you understand when it's hard for me to come back to wattpad. I always say that i'm gonna be online more, or that i'm gonna continue writing, or even that i'll answer msgs on my MB or in private but the truth is i'm not organized enough to do so; i sued to be in loveeeeee with wattpad, so i came here every single day, and i'd chat and write books and role-play and just have fun on here, but one summer, i went offline and took a little break and every since, Wattpad hasn't been my "priority", i love wattpad don't get me wrong but it's so hard for me to get back into the habit of coming here every single day whenever i have free time because my life has changed so much, there are so many new people in my life and with school and activities and all the stuff that i have or want to do every day, going on wattpad or discord becomes the least of my worries, i will try my best to come back, but i sure do hope you won't hate me for not always being here. Also, thank you to all the people who ever talked to me or supported me on here, even if you're gone now or you don't read my books anymore, that still means the world to me. And it's fine for people to leave, it's normal even to lose people, i'm just glad there's at least one person out there reading this :)) love all of you <33 i hope your lives are going well and i apologize to any people i may have hurt on here, i promise i've changed and i hope that is not the way you will always see me as a person because that image of me is not the person that i am anymore, 

Love, Sky.H

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