Don't Just Randomly Stab People. Jail Isn't Worth It

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The thing with the burning car was not so funny in the end. Because, who would have thought, the next day the police stood in front of our door. Nico was of course thrilled to see real police officers, I in this case rather less. I however had the luck that the driver had very bad eyes and he only had seen three figures, two blondes and a black-haired one, and that one of them was clearly a Blondes girl. And since one of my neighbors heard about that story they told the police to go to our house and ask me about it. Like I was the only blonde Girl in this town that would set a car on fire. Fortunately, I waved the policemen pretty quickly off with an innocent and nice smile. After I had waved the policemen still briefly behind, I closed the door and sighed, relieved. I really didn't need a report now. "Why were they here? Did something happen? Will they come with helicopters? "Nico asked me enthusiastically as soon as I had closed the door. "Fortunately not. Apart from the fact that the Petunia woman would have a fit if the police suddenly showed up here with helicopters and everything." I answered and couldn't help smiling at the thought of how the Petunia woman would nag. "You're feeling better again," Nico suddenly stated, looking at me appraisingly. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. Did I look sick yesterday? "You looked bad yesterday. Kind of tired and....I don't know....empty." Nico tried to explain his thoughts. "Oh, I just didn't sleep well, that's all." I waved him off and walked past him to the stairs. "Until 12 o'clock?" "Yes, until 12 o'clock. Some People do that." I called back from the stairs and went back to my room. A bored yawn left my lips as I sat down on my bed and turned on the TV. Bored, I flipped through the channels, but all I found was an old crime movie, and since I had nothing better to do, I just left it on. After only a few minutes I was already even more bored and annoyed. "It's already so obvious who the murderer is. How stupid are y'all?" I shouted to the people in the film, but, who would have thought it, it didn't help. The People didn't just randomly do it better or made the movie more exciting. At some point I just didn't feel like it anymore and turned the TV off again. With a lot of motivation that I didn't have, I slid off the bed and walked back out of the room. "I'm going for a little walk. Won't be too long. See you in a bit." I called down the hall and then disappeared out the door. There had been small thunderstorm overnight and the streets had long since dried out. I spied briefly over to the garden of the petunia woman before I opened the squeaky garden gate and followed the sidewalk to the end of the neighborhood of the bores. Without paying much attention to the people around me, I just walked through the streets. This went on until I suddenly saw a familiar blonde figure running down the street. And she looked kind of desperate. "Hey Takemichi!" I shouted without getting any reaction from him, because he just kept running. With a little sigh, I started running too and caught up to him pretty quickly, where I stopped him. "May I ask who was kidnapped that you are running so desperately through the streets here?" I asked him after he luckily, for him, didn't hit me in the face frim shock and recognized me. "Kyra! I have to get to Mikey and Draken. They can't fight Moebius!" he shouted desperately in my face, grabbing me by the shoulders. I looked at him, quite puzzled. "Why not?" I asked him, perplexed. "I can't explain it to you, but the fight must be canceled at all costs. It must not take place under any circumstances!" he shouted resolutely. "I'm sorry, but I have to go to Mikey and Draken right away!" he shouted and ran on again. "Hey wait Mikey will never- never mind." Takemichi was already too far away to hear my shout. A heavy sigh left my lips. "I don't have anything better to do anyway." I spoke to myself and ran after Takemichi. Since the boy wasn't one of the fastest sprinters, I caught up with him quickly and ran alongside him until we reached an abandoned warehouse.

Takemichi didn't pay much attention to me other than to give me a brief look of surprise and then resolutely look forward again. As we walked through the entrance of the warehouse, we spotted Mikey sitting on some kind of bench or table while Draken, Pah and Depp stood in front of him. Well, what did walking actually mean here. Takemichi had run right in and stopped there out of breath, of course immediately attracting all the attention because he had to call Mikey's name through the whole warehouse. I had just walked behind him, relaxed, while looking around curiously. I had been in quite a few abandoned warehouses, but this one was new to me. It seemed to be a typical meeting place for Toman's people, at least the sign of Toman had been sprayed on the walls. "What's going on Takemitchy?" Mikey interrupted the short silence. "We're degrees into an important meeting."
"You again?"
"Get out of here, you rag!", Draken, Pah and Idiot added their two cents. I liked the fact that my presence was completely ignored in all those sentences. Waiting, I looked to Takemichi to see if he would really dare to tell Mikey that the fight against Moebius should not happen. "Can't we just call off the fight with Moebius?" And he had really said it. This was so going to suck. "What?" Mikey asked, naturally confused. To make my side in that Situation clear, I took some distance from Takemichi and stood more with Draken, who just gave me a quick questioning look that said, 'What are you doing here?' I just shrugged my shoulders and whispered, "Had nothing better to do." Draken nodded briefly and we both looked back at Takemichi. "I can't tell you how I know this, but someone is pulling the strings in the background of this conflict," he said in a serious tone to Mikey. Now I was curious. Moebius seemed really stupid. Manipulating or using them was probably easy. But what made Takemichi think that? Never in a lifetime was he smart enough to figure that out by himself nor did he have the connections to do so. And he definitely wasn't into any Gang business. But before Takemichi could say anything further, he was grabbed by the hair by Pah and tossed aside. "You better cut that shit out, Asshole. What, Pah?" Idiot visibly shouted a bit pissed at Takemichi, who was once again crouched on the ground. "Get the fuck out of here. One more fucking word and you're dead." Pah said, then turned right back to Mikey to ask how they should attack. Whew, someone is pretty angry. "Don't!" Takemichi had to call back in. That guy was about to be beaten half to death on the ground if he didn't shut up. "You can't fight Moebius. It's a trap." And that was it. A vein had clearly twitched in Pah at the words, and now very much pissed off, he walked over to Takemichi and leaned over him. "Up you go." Oh great. I honestly didn't want to watch Takemichi get beaten up now. Not that it was anything new. From what I'd heard at school, he and his friends had gotten their asses kicked a few times. Just like now, because Pah immediately started throwing one punch after another. "HUH?! WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FIGHT?! AND YOU CAN'T TELL US WHY?! WHO ELSE BEAT MY BUDDY HALF TO DEATH?! WHO THE HELL ELSE FUCKED HIS GIRLFRIEND, HA!!!" he yelled as he punched Takemichi and then finally grabbed him by the collar. "I don't know, but-" Takemichi started, but was interrupted by Mikey. "Takemitchy. You've made your point. The fight with Moebius stands. You really don't get it. When I say we fight, we fight." He spoke in a serious tone. I had told him. Mikey would never let himself be persuaded not to fight. But Takemichi had to run on without hearing what I would say. I probably could have spared him this. If he would have given up, which he probably wouldn't have done. Quite stupid, if you asked me. Takemichi, for his part, now dropped to his knees. "I'm not taking it back! The fight would be the end of the Manji gang! Now that I'm already friends with you and Draken, I don't want the gang to fall apart!!!" Takemichi shouted desperately. Slowly that guy made me really curious. And confused. What made him think that the gang would fall apart just because of the fight against Moebius? And why couldn't he just tell Mikey why? But the way he was kneeling there on the floor, I did feel a little sorry for him. I wanted to go and stop Pah from hitting Takemichi again, but Draken was faster. "Takemitchy thinks he's going to stick with it. Maybe we should take a closer look at Moebius, don't you think Mikey?" Draken said and looked at Mikey. However, Mikey didn't seem to take that too well. "What, Kenny are you going against the gang?" "Huh?" Draken looked at Mikey in confusion while I looked in disgust at the entrance to the warehouse. Because through it just came a very ugly guy with his hair gelled up funny. "Guys I hate to interrupt your nice little conversation but there's some greasy guy walking through your front door right now." With that I attracted the attention of the two brawlers who then also looked at the guy who just pulled out a comb. "I'm really sorry to interrupt your family squabble but I keep hearing Moebius this, Moebius that. Who gave you permission to put our name in your mouths? You little middle school pissants!" he said with a cigarette in his mouth. It was immediately clear who he was and what he was like. Namely, the arrogant asshole head of Moebius. "You are Osanai!!!" shouted Pah. And with that, Smearface had a name that I immediately forgot. "Don't freak out right away, you wanker. And you little one watch your language. Normally I'm not called a greasy guy but since you're pretty I'll let it pass. Afterwards you have to show your appreciation for it, though." he called over to me, which immediately made me twitch. Little one? "Oh, I'll show my appreciation right away -" "You asshole!" Pah interrupted me while his buddy Idiot just stood in front of me in all seriousness. "Sir asshole' to you. I'm two years older than you." Smearface commented on Pah's insult. Pah didn't seem to like that, at least he ran towards Smearface screaming and raising his fist. I meanwhile pushed Idiot aside. "Don't give me that about standing in front of me. I can defend myself just fine. You can do that when I'm half dead on the ground and about to go from half dead to even further away," I said, and a little confused, he stepped aside. I seemed to have missed something, though, because by the time I could look freely at Pah and Smearface again, Pah was already on the ground and Idiot left me to run to Pah. "The Tokyo manji gang? More like the milk boy club. I heard you were going to mess with us." Smearface said, snapping his fingers once, and suddenly the whole gang poured into the hall. Or maybe only half of it? I honestly didn't know how big Moebius was. They had not been interesting enough to go peeking at them curiously for once. There were some comments coming from the idiots about the gang but mostly comments to me that I didn't feel were important or intellectual enough to take in any further. "Mikey, my little guy. Now there's a war." So for being just two years older and uglier than any 15 year old in this room, he was acting pretty important. And above all, he acted as if he was the strongest one here. Five minutes and he would lie flat at my feet. However, I didn't dare to do anything right now. Rule number one with gangs was: Never do anything with a gang next to you that could taunt someone there or cause you problems. However, this rule only came into effect when the gang is actually friendly to you. Therefore the next to. And this rule applied now for this moment because I stood next to the Tokyo Manji gang. And even if these were actually my friends, or rather the boss plus vice were my friends, I should still watch what I did in front of a hostile gang. I didn't want to cause or get problems. Why did Smearface actually bring so many people with him when they were only supposed to be milksops? Mikey seemed to think the same thing, at least he posed the question as a statement. "A lot of people just to kick some boy's ass. You're just as much of an ass as I thought you'd be, Osanai." Mikey spoke with a smile. "HUH?! Sorry, but I can't hear your midget voice!" Smearface shouted, which of course his people found hilarious. "I haven't heard anything that unfunny in a long time," I muttered softly, so that only me and Draken next to me could hear it. "Hey!" Smearface suddenly exclaimed and I thought he had heard my comment after all, but then I saw that he was going to Takemichi. Great. Now Takemichi was probably being used as a punching bag again. Maybe he should start charging for it. One punch 50 yen or so. Although then he would probably get much more punched than already. "What are you looking at, you gnat shit?" Smearface asked the poor Takemichi who no longer knew what was going on. But before he could even react further, Smearface punched him in the face. "You were just looking down on me, weren't you?" Smearface asked him while punching him again and again. "I hate nothing more than that look." I was about to intervene, but Draken stopped me. "Wait." Astonished, I looked up at him. Was he going to let Takemichi get the shit kicked out of him now? But Draken had been able to anticipate better than me in that case, since Pah had moved and stopped Smearface's next punch with his arm. It was a grip similar to the one Draken had used to stop Pah from beating up Takemichi. Takemichi tried to stop Pah, but was simply tossed aside by him like a sack of potatoes. Since none of the lunatics here looked worried in any way, I let out a soft sigh and went to sit next to Takemichi. Idiot had done the same, though he preferred to crouch. "Pah's got more going for him than you think, Hanagaki. He's one of the best fighters in the gang. He'll take on a whole gang by himself if he has to. There's no way he's going to lose to a sack like Osanai," Idiot tried to reassure Takemichi, but it didn't really seem to work. However, I wasn't exactly convinced of Pah's guarantee of victory either. Of course, I could only judge from his appearance and first impression, but still. I did believe he was strong, but strength, especially in single combat, wasn't everything.

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