Did I already mention that I have a little brother?

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Do you know when your bed feels just perfectly soft and you could stay like that for hours? That's exactly the feeling I had just now. With a comfortable sigh, I snuggled into my pillows a little more. I might as well get to school later. We only had the first two hours with Mr. Akiyama anyway. "Stunning alarm attaaaaaaaack!" "Huuuufffffff" Something heavy which turned out to be my brother landed on me with momentum. Brutally torn from my cloudland I leaned on my forearms and caught sight of Nico who was looking at me impatiently. "Come on, big sister, I have to go to school!" the little thing on top of me shouted. I groaned in agony. I had forgotten the fact that for three years a certain little something had kept me from sleeping longer. And the kindergarten had been pleasant. I was even officially excused for being late. Of course James would have done it normally, but Nico had steadfastly refused to be brought to kindergarten by anyone other than me. The little nipper hopped off me and with a sigh I left my soft bed and stood up. "I really wonder how it is that you go to school voluntarily and even insist on it. I'm glad when I don't have to." I said and looked tiredly at the impatiently jumping child in front of me. "Well, I have to hear the latest news from Akito and our teacher wanted to take us on a field trip today, you know that," he shouted and then quickly ran out of my room, shouting for me to hurry. Sighing I looked after him. How had Takumi done that?

After I quickly jumped into my school uniform, I hurried down the stairs to meet Nico's impatient call while I tied my hair in a ponytail as I ran. "Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on," he called again. "Calm down, I'm on it." I answered and put on my shoes and grabbed my school bag to go outside. A glance at my cell phone told me that we weren't even that late and so I pulled the impatiently running boy back a bit. "Calm down again, we are not late. We are well on time." I told him and took him by the hand to keep him with me. "I want to be there right now!" he shouted, upset. "And you will be. However, you won't grow wings to fly there faster if you continue to be so impatient, so calm down." I answered him and he finally gave up, even if he was sulking now. However, this pouting silence didn't last long and by the time we arrived at the elementary school he had already told me all kinds of stories. I stopped in front of the school and squatted down to pull him into a hug. "Well, have fun then. I'll pick you up again at 5pm. Behave yourself." I said to him and let him go again. "Yeah yeah. I'll see you later, big sister." He replied and then ran happily to Akito who was already standing by the bus. Just then a mother came with her child which I recognized as one of Nico's bullies. So I took my chance and marched straight towards the woman. "Excuse me but I would like to talk to you about your son's behavior towards my little brother" I greeted her and a bit irritated she stopped, but agreed and sent her son to the bus. "Your son disturbs, no bullies my little brother and I'm getting tired of him constantly coming home with scratches and abrasions and bruises or that his things are broken. I would like you to talk to your son and change something or I will take care of it." I explained my problem to her. Fortunately she overheard my little threat and nodded understandingly and promised to talk to her son. I doubted somehow that this would bring something but nodded and got, even if reluctantly, on the way to school. Probably I had to talk later simply with the small bullies then that would already clarify itself. At least no one could say that I hadn't try to do it the calm way. "I hope Mr. Akiyama doesn't start the stupid war time again, because I really don't have-Uh a taiyaki stand!" When I arrived at the school gate a little later with Taiyaki in my bag, I realized that I was already too late. Shrugging my shoulders, I just walked into the school and with a taiyaki in my mouth, I finally entered the classroom where everyone was staring at me, including the teacher. He was probably surprised that I showed up for his class. "Hi, I'm late, my little brother wouldn't let me skip the first two lessons. Just pretend I'm not here." I spoke into the room and then walked comfortably to my seat. The sentences on the blackboard told me that this time it was actually not about the war, so I put my things on the table in an exemplary manner and stuffed the last remains of my taiyaki into my mouth.

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