Roronoa Zoro x reader: at the bar

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As the dimly lit bar buzzed with activity, Zoro found himself surrounded by a sea of strangers. The air was thick with anticipation, the clinking of glasses and laughter filling the room.

Zoro was peacefully sipping his beer, trying to make the most of his vacation night.

In that moment, he heard a loud thud coming from behind him. His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as he turned his head, only to find you with your head rested heavily on the table, your words slurred as you mumbled in your drunken state.

He didn't pay much attention to you as you were still awake, but heavily intoxicated, slumping your face onto the table. As he took a sip of his beer, he overheard some guys showing interest in you, lightly touching your hair as you rested your head on the table.

Roronoa Zoro, the feared one, had false information spread about him, painting him as dangerous based on his appearance and interactions. But in reality, he wasn't truly bad.

Zoro paused for a moment, contemplating whether to intervene and protect you from those men. "Oi!" he called out, rising from his seat. With one final sip from his beer mug, he placed it back on the table with a resounding thud, capturing the attention of everyone around.

Zoro's voice rang out, his eyes filled with determination. "Back off if you don't want a taste of my swords," he warned, his tone laced with a hint of danger. However, the men simply laughed, brushing off his threat and daring Zoro to make a move.

"Yeah, three swords? What do you do with the extra one? Shove it up your ass?" Man two jeered, his crew erupting in laughter at their own crude joke. Zoro couldn't stand their obnoxiousness and rolled his eyes in response.

Man two attempted to annoy Zoro by once again creepily reached out to touch your hair, causing you to feel uneasy. With a groan, you swiftly slapped his hands away, shouting, "Hey! Stop touching me!" You felt a chill down your spine as the men held onto you.

Zoro stood his ground, his stance firm and ready for a confrontation.

With swift and precise movements, Zoro skillfully defended himself, effortlessly evading each strike from the pirates' swords. In a blink of an eye, he swiftly defeated all five men surrounding him. Instead of killing them, he incapacitated them by striking them with the handle of his swords, causing them to fall into a deep slumber. Surprisingly, the patrons in the bar seemed unfazed by the chaos, as if such occurrences were a normal part of their everyday routine.

In his calm expression, Zoro didn't seem tired from all the action. He turned towards you to check if you were okay. In your drunken state, you drunkenly touched the man next to you with a poker face, gripping onto him for a better view and curious who he was.

Zoro's eyes scanned the people around, as if sizing them up. Suddenly, he gently carried you in a bridal style and carefully made his way out of the bar, searching for a suitable place to set you down.

He found a bench and carefully helped you sit down. As you took a moment to collect yourself, you felt grateful for his protection from those men. Filled with gratitude, you stood up and felt the strong urge to hug him for his kindness. He quickly touched your arms, trying to prevent the embrace, but he lost his grip, giving you the opportunity to wrap your arms around him. You excitedly hugged him, causing him to flinch slightly. With a slurred tone of voice, you exclaimed, "Thank you!"

The man with three swords cleared his throat, "Hey, could you please get off me?" he said with a serious expression. You, being drunk, looked at him and as your eyes met, you blushed in embarrassment. Quickly realizing the situation, you promptly got off him.

He didn't seem annoyed as he spoke, "Next time, be careful and avoid getting drunk late at the bar. Especially because you're a woman." As you locked eyes with him, you could tell he went out of his way to protect you.

As you locked eyes with him, a wave of emotions washed over you - gratitude, relief, and a sense of comfort. In that instant, you felt a connection, as if you had known each other for a lifetime. It was a reassuring feeling, knowing that he was there to support you, even though you had just met.

(A/n: Hii, while waiting for some requests, I'll write an imagine for our Roronoa Zoro!!)

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