Chapter 4

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Y/n and the other Spider people made it to the the alchemax building in a forest.

Y/n " Alright I'll go in and get the override sequence you guys watch my six if anything happens come in and get me. "

Peter " Sure kid. "

Y/n then swung away to the building, turned invisible and crawled into a vent as he did the others looked at each and then followed Y/n inside. Y/n then arrived to an office to see Doc ock working on a computer so he slowly took of the cover and dropped to the floor, he then walked to the door and knocked on it causing Doc ock to look up but see nothing. She then looked back at her computer but Y/n knocked again making her look up she then got up and looked for the source of the noise outside her office but didn't see anything, Y/n then picked up a pen from her desk went to the door and through it down the hallway making Doc ock follow it. Y/n then quickly made his way to the computer and put a USB drive into it and started to look through the computer for the override sequence, eventually he found it and copied it to the USB drive then took the usb out the computer and as he did he looked up to see the others drop down into the office so he became visible.

Y/n " What the fuck I told you to wait outside? "

Spider-noir " We did. "

Gwen " And we thought you'd need the help. "

Y/n " I'm done anyways lets get out of here before, [ Doc ock walks back into the office ] ... she comes back. "

Doc ock " So more Spider people exists lets see if your theory was right. "

Doc ock then used her tentacles to try and subdue all of the Spider people but they dodged it by either ducking, jumping over it or web swinging away. Y/n then charged at Doc ock and when he got close he kicked her into a wall and then used his webs to tie her to it, Y/n and the others went back into the vent and quickly crawled back outside and when they got outside they swung away.

Y/n " They know now that we were there and that you guys are in my universe. "

Peni " We were just trying to help. "

Y/n " I get that at least I got what we came for. "

As they were swinging Y/n saw the others start to glitch hurting them and causing them to stop swinging and fall towards the ground, before the hit the ground they started to swing again and kept up to Y/n.

Y/n " So you guys will glitch if you don't return to your universe good to know. "

Spider-ham " I think I speak for all of us when I say we would of been fine not knowing it. "

Time skip

Y/n and the other Spider people were in his office preparing for an assault on Fisk tower.

Y/n " Alright we all ready. "

The others nod and they exit the office and swing to Fisk tower when they get there they sneak into the Kingpin's office.

Peter " So where's the collider? "

Y/n " Behind here. "

Y/n walked to a painting and ripped it apart to show a secret elevator they then send the elevator down but climb on top of it to hide themselves, when they got to the bottom floor they heard the doors open and multiple people open fire into the elevator. Eventually it stopped and some of the people entered the elevator and when they did Y/n dropped down on top of one and then started to take down the others, after a couple of seconds the others dropped down to see many of Kingpin's men knocked out and on the ground.

Spider-noir " Damn kid you got some serious skill. "

Y/n " Thanks lets get this done and get you guys home. "

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