Chapter Nine

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IX. The Party Part I


I didn't know one week can feel like one day when you don't want it to be. It feels just like yesterday when that mayor's daughter came up to me and told me about this party, now, it's D-Day.

If you're asking whether or not I got a suit, yes I did. Not only did I GET a suit, I was invited to a tailor to personally get suited up. Apparently, I did not specify what suit I would like to wear or what colour I prefer, which I remember forgetting to answer her due to it being too awkward.

Now, I'm alone in my room and trying to style myself as much as I can. I'm never the type to dress up. I had a suit only because attending that graduation ball way back in secondary school was customary. Now, what should I do with my hair? Should I sleek it back? Maybe, make a side part? Since my hair is not going to cooperate unless I put a whole bottle of product, I decided to leave it be. It's not that bad as it is, for me at least. I didn't really have to look the best, I'm a guest, not the host.

I was told to wait in my room as Dad was going to come and pick me up so we could go to that party together. It would be a hassle since he was already at the location, so I said I'll go myself, only to be sassed and asked if I even know where to go. He had a point, as always, so I just shut up.

While waiting, I took in my appearance once again. Saying that the suit is beautiful will be an understatement. It's a grey suit, closer to silver, with light blue patterns all over it. The blue is mostly invisible though, especially while far away and in the dark. I paired it with a navy blue tie, courtesy of Dad, and a pair of sleek black dress shoes. I could tell the outfit made me look human. Haha.

I couldn't help but also think I maybe overdressed. I don't know what Dad is wearing, I don't know what everyone else will be wearing. I don't even know if there were others from my school that was invited to this party. Not that I have friends to coordinate outfits with. Sighing, I just sat on my bed hoping that Dad is too busy to pick me up and completely forget about me. That would be...

knock, knock, knock.

Dang it!

A knock on the door woke me up from my daydream and served as a signal that it was time to go. I should've known not too speak to soon. I just jinxed myself.  Until now, I am still sceptical about all these. I have a lot of questions that I know will be answered if I just ask. With my personality though, it seems like my questions will remain unanswered.

I opened the door readying to go out when I didn't see Dad. Instead, I saw someone I wasn't expecting at all. 

Third Person

He has been busy, fidgety, nervous, and agitated the whole day. He doesn't even know which of those emotions is the strongest right now. He might not be the main attraction for today's event but he will still be highlighted. That's not the reason he's not able to rest easy though. He has prepared a lot of things to finally inform a certain beau about their undeniable connection. For him, that is. Their connection has been pulling on him every time the beau is in the vicinity. He had taken measures upon measures to avoid the younger guy, not that he wanted to, he just had to.

He had conspired with his sister to make everything go smoothly while he worked behind the scenes. If he says he was patient and was behaving well, he'll be lying. What he was doing was borderline stalking. Borderline.

"You know this is weird, right adelfós? Matching his outfit to yours when he doesn't even know who you are yet." The sister he had been bribing to assist his mate has reprimanded him, yet again. Couldn't really blame her, as  she likes her brother's mate, she doesn't want him to be put off about everything that's going on and what's about to happen.

"I know. That's why I'm going to have a talk with him before everything else. I need him to be prepared or aware, at least. I have been waiting for him and I am not to let him go." With full determination and confidence, he convinced his sister once more. He needs her on board to make sure this day goes as intended. 

With that, he embarked on his first mission.

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