Chapter 22 -The End

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Agony surged through me, a vicious storm of pain that threatened to drown my senses. I lay sprawled on the cold, unforgiving marble, the chaotic whirlwind of a once vibrant ballroom now reduced to a blur of disarray. Colors merged into a chaotic palette, and the symphony of sounds became a twisted cacophony of sirens and terrified voices.

My trembling hand instinctively sought the source of the searing pain, fingers finding only the stickiness of crimson. The realization crashed over me like a relentless wave—I'd been shot. Panic clamped onto my chest, my breaths ragged and shallow.

No, not now. Not when everything finally felt right.

Amidst the chaos, snippets of voices reached my ears.

"Get down!"

"We need backup! We've got 30-40 intruders, armed..."

Screams of terror pierced the air as people scattered, seeking refuge from the sudden violence that had shattered the night's serenity.

"Shit, she's been shot..." A voice, soft and filled with concern, floated from my left. I longed to turn my head, to see the face behind those comforting words, but I was immobilized, a prisoner in my own body.

Thick tears welled up in my sunken eyes, but I couldn't feel them. I couldn't feel anything.

"Hey, hey, stay with us, Liv... Come on, you can't leave..." The voice was familiar, a lifeline in the chaos. Each word was a plea, a desperate request to defy the looming darkness.

It hurt. It hurt so terribly. Above me, a warm light beckoned, its radiance promising solace. Should I reach out and take it? I was so cold, so unbearably cold.

And then, as if surrendering to an eternal slumber, I succumbed to the inky embrace of oblivion. The world dissolved into silence, and my vision was swallowed by an infinite void of nothingness.


In the sterile confines of the hospital room, I awoke to a disorienting mixture of pain and hazy awareness. My surroundings were sterile and unforgiving, a stark contrast to the chaotic ballroom. Tubes and wires snaked from my body, tethering me to machines that blinked with clinical detachment.

Beside me, several of my soulmates were there, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion. Steve, with his unwavering strength, was the first to reach out, his fingers gently entwining with mine. "You're awake, Olivia," he whispered, relief flooding his eyes.

I tried to speak, to reassure them, but my parched throat could only muster a feeble whisper.

Tony, with his quick wit, was by my side in an instant, offering a sip of water through a straw. It was a small gesture, but it felt like a lifeline.

Around the room, the Avengers who weren't injured maintained their vigil. Natasha's gaze never left me, her usually stoic expression betraying her worry. Wanda, her empathic powers a wellspring of comfort, hovered nearby, radiating warmth and support.

As my consciousness slowly reclaimed its foothold, I became aware of the others, my soulmates, who had borne injuries of their own in the chaos of the ballroom. They were scattered throughout the hospital, fighting their own battles against pain and uncertainty.

In that moment, I realized the true extent of our bond. We were more than just soulmates; we were a family, united in love and adversity. The strength of our connection was a beacon of hope in the face of darkness, a reminder that, together, we could overcome even the gravest of challenges.

As I lay in that hospital bed, surrounded by my soulmates, I knew that I could never be truly safe, no matter if we were locked away and the key through away, or if we were in the mountains of the Himalayas.

It was heartbreaking but that was just our life now so we had to deal with it. I was thankful with the short time I had with them, more thankful for their time, consideration and patience with me through my most struggling times.

I loved and cherished them but everything must come to an end eventually.

As the heart monitor slowly beeped its way to my everlasting death, the light became more of a friend than I could ever hope for. I took my final breath with my loves by my side, with my life by my side. 

Amidst the pain and uncertainty, we clung to each other, our love a beacon in the darkest of nights, for we had learned that even in the depths of despair, our souls were bound by an unbreakable bond.

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